The Endless Cycle of Torture | Teen Ink

The Endless Cycle of Torture

September 6, 2018
By Haley_DJ BRONZE, Davidson, North Carolina
Haley_DJ BRONZE, Davidson, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Staying positive doesn't mean you have to be happy all the time. It means that even on hard days you know that there are better ones coming.

It starts with me sitting in class. It feels so real. I run my hands across the smooth, polished surface of the desk in front of me. All sound is muffled by the earbuds blasting a song by Super Junior into my ears. I'm silently observing my peers chatting and goofing off. A girl walks past me smelling strongly of floral perfume and hairspray.
Suddenly, the scene changes and I am completely surrounded by white. Everywhere you look is white. All I can hear is a faint ringing and my broken breathing. You'd think I had just run a marathon.
That's when I saw the men. There were six of them. They all wore the same attire; Black Plague doctor masks and copper-colored, rucksack, hooded robes. They all have red, threating eyes except for one of them, he had golden eyes. How peculiar. They start walking towards me. With every few feet, their pace quickens. I start running in the opposite direction. They start running as well. They catch up to me. I can't breathe and I start trembling. I try to scream but my voice is stuck in my throat. They grab me and carry me to a stainless steel operation table. 'Where did this come from?' I think to myself. Suddenly, I am being strapped to the table by thick, black leather straps across my chest and legs. They also strap my wrists and ankles to the table. I remain awake as the robed men start to dissect me. I am still conscious, feeling every incision as the blades pierce my skin and plunge deep into my flesh. The pain is immeasurable. I shed silent tears as I am still incapable to make a sound.
'Why is this happening to me?'
After all of my organs have been extracted from my body and placed in jars of formaldehyde, they chop my body apart at my joints. They charge my friends and family to view my dismembered body. "Five cents a peep!" They say. "Five cents and you can witness a monster in the least dangerous way possible!" 'Monster? Am I a monster? What have I done to have gotten that unfortunate title?'
The robed man with the golden eyes puts me back together as if I were Frankenstein. He looks at me pitifully. The way you would look at a child weeping after you told them that their pet had "runaway." 'Was I really so pathetic as to deserve to be looked at that way?'
I take this as my chance to make a run for it. I don't get very far. I have been paralyzed. I don't understand what is happening. I can't breathe and I am terrified.
My loved ones are now the ones who are dismembering me. The ones I love are charging the robed men to view the jars containing my body.
Someone, please save me. I am in an endless cycle of being dissected, put on display and put back together again.
Each time this cycle repeats, a piece of my soul is destroyed.
This is slowly, painfully killing me.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by a nightmare I had once. It was such a weird nightmare that I felt like I should make it into a short story.

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