Mayo Boy | Teen Ink

Mayo Boy

November 14, 2018
By emet_shifrin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
emet_shifrin BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I'd hate you even if I didn't hate you!"<br /> <br /> -Patrick Star (Spongebob SquarePants)

Once upon a time, there was a little kid. His name was Bobby. Bobby went on a camping trip with his dad. They went camping in Indiana. When they got to the campsite, it was lunch time. Bobby made himself a turkey and mayonnaise sandwich. His dad had a salad. He put the turkey on, then the lettuce, then the mayo. He thought that the mayo was so good, he thought the jar of mayo was a super jar of mayo. He brought the super jar of mayo with him everywhere. He thought he was a superhero with the jar of mayo. He called himself  “Super Mayo Kid”. He thought he had superpowers with that jar of mayo.

Driving home, he went down a long, dark, and scary road. He was scared but, as he drove by, the street lights “magically” turned on. He thought he was magic. He told his dad about his powers that night, but his dad told him it was fake. He was very sad. When he got home, he went straight to his bed but, with the mayo still in his hand. He still believed he had powers. That night, he had a dream about him having super powers. That dream made him very happy. But, for some reason, all of his past teachers, with his dad, were dressed in all black, and in the corner if his dream. He wakes himself up to tell his dad, but as if it still were in his dream, all of his teachers were staring at him through the window in his room.

The author's comments:

 I wrote this silly story because I thought that some people need some joy to lift their spirits.


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