My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

February 28, 2019
By 0pierrelouis BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
0pierrelouis BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My name has two meanings. Blooming and fertility. My name is French. It was given to me by my dad, who was born in France. It is the number 23. The color, a yellow like the flame from a burning candle.

My name can be read two ways. Calm and mature or energetic and childish. It is the sense of calm you feel in an anxious situation. The responsibility you are expected to have. But it is also the adrenaline of a rollercoaster ride. The wind in your hair and the smell of the funnel cake at the fair.

My name is like walking through a garden on a warm summer day. It is walking in the hot sun, and it is the tranquility you enjoy. My name is the wash of calm you feel when you smell the flowers, and the dew from the grass. It is the soft grass under your feet, running in the field. Soaking in the light, the beams hitting your skin. Picking flowers from my grandma’s garden.


My name is the feeling of the flowers in my hand. The beautiful smell in my lungs. The tulips and the daisies. It is running around in my grandma’s backyard. The cold water on my skin when I got into her pool on a hot day. It is the joy I felt at her house. The amazing food she made.

It is very forgiving and loving. My name is emotional. It can be happy. The feeling you get when you get good news. Or sad. The emotions you feel on a gloomy day.It can be angry. The disappointment you feel when someone you trusted let’s you down. It could even be shy.  How you feel in a room full of people you don’t know. The quiet in a room full of people you don’t know.

I am not like the other people with my name. I am shy. I don’t want to be energetic all of the time. Other people with my name surround themselves with a lot of people . I am not that person. I’m not outgoing, I am rather introverted. I only surround myself with a couple of people. Though I am not like other people with my name, it still fits me. Anything but my name for me would be unfitting.

My name is Chloe. I don’t have any nicknames. My name is short as it is. I like my name. It is cute, and it isn’t very formal. Like the warm summer days at the fair. Or in my grandma’s garden. I wouldn’t want to change it. No. I like my name.

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