Show Me the Gold | Teen Ink

Show Me the Gold

April 12, 2019
By nwanzec BRONZE, Cerritos, California
nwanzec BRONZE, Cerritos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Levi threw the stones into the river with all his might, but the third stone came skipping back. He picked up the stone and threw it on the ground in frustration. Why can’t this stone stay in the river like the rest of them?

“Stop doing that. It’s getting annoying,” said Alice, rolling her eyes.

“Hold on, I think there’s something inside the water,” Levi said. He walked closer to the river and dipped his hands into the water. “It’s warm.”

Alice glanced at Levi and threw her hands in the air, exasperated. “Of course there’s something in the water, Levi. There’s lots of things inside the water. Fish, algae, sand, the list goes on. You’re acting like you’ve never seen a river before,” Alice responded.

“Every time I throw a stone, it comes back to me.” Levi paused. “It has to be a sign.”

Levi picked up another stone and threw it in the water. Once again, the stone came skipping back. Only this time, two slabs of gold accompanied it. Shocked, Levi took several steps away from the river and ran toward Alice, who was making crowns out of the river reeds.

“Alice? Alice, did you see that?” asked Levi. Before Alice had the chance to respond, Levi grabbed her hand and started to run back to the river. When they reached the river, Levi pointed to the area where he skipped the last stone. “I threw the stone and then it came back to me again, but there were two big chunks of gold this time,” he said.

Alice looked around, puzzled. “Levi, what are you talking about? There’s nothing here.”

“Come on, Alice,” Levi insisted. “Look at the two chunks of gold. They’re almost the size of two stones. How can you not see them?”

Alice looked at the river again, this time more closely than before. “I don’t see anything. Pick up the gold and show it to me.”

Determined to prove himself, Levi picked up one of the slabs of gold. “See?”

“You’re holding a pile of sand, Levi. Look, it even has seashells in it,” said Alice.

Levi looked down at his hands and sure enough, he was carrying a pile of sand. “I saw gold, Alice. I saw gold.” He began to cry. “Alice, believe me.”

Alice gazed worriedly at her brother. “Come on, Levi,” she said, grabbing his hand.

“Let’s go. I think you’re having one of your moments.”  

The author's comments:

Chi N. is a culture enthusiast. Wanting to share her love of culture with the world, she started a blog, which she also uses to talk about random thoughts she may have. Her recent publications include “Dear Girl,” published in Nia Akinyemi’s 2019 anthology, For Girls Who Grew Like Roses From Concrete.

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