Blue Jay | Teen Ink

Blue Jay

April 24, 2019
By XxMacabreMaxX BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
XxMacabreMaxX BRONZE, La Vista, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The sky rains down sadness onto my home. The darkness filling up the sky. There isn’t a single sign of happiness here. Lighting goes off like a disco party.I rise up from my chair to the sound of birds chirping away madly. Coming from inside my home. But where exactly? I walk over to the wall, placing my ear against it. The chirping becomes more high pitched, piercing my eardrums. I back away, my heart fluttering. I wipe the cool sweat from my forehead.

“It’s okay, you just hearing things, ”I say to myself

I walk out into the hallway and I see nothing strange. I continue walking, my spine tingling. I hold my breath, fearing for my life. I scream and fall down onto the ground. I peak through my fingers and it’s just some fuzz on my neck. I laugh it off, trying to regain my cool. I must be losing my mind. The chirping gets louder, this time almost deafening.

I stand up and notice a trail of blood at the end of the hallway. I walk closer and notice it’s going up the wall into a hole. On the floor is a pile of dark crimson blood with a dead blue jay. I stop dead in my tracks, holding down the sour bile. I look up at the wall and there is a hole. I lean my head in and as I look closer there is a stairwell. I pull my head out and kick the wall. Trying to make the hole big enough for me to crawl through.

I stop kicking and crawl through the hole. Cobwebs and dust cling onto my hair. I tense up, hoping that there isn’t a spider on me. The hallway light creeps in through the hole, allowing me to see. I stand up and head down the staircase. The stairs creak and wobble with every step. By the 5th step the stairs cave in. I fall down, the air slapping me. I tightly shut my eyes. Hoping that I don’t die.  I feel the wind die down and a loud thunk.

“Ouch!!!” I scream.

I open my eyes and I’m sitting in a pile of green, slimy, murky water. I look around and there is water everywhere. There are also tunnels leading to somewhere. The stench of sewage and dead animals fill my nostrils. I stand up, the water dripping off my clothes. I look ahead and there it is….a trail of dead blue jays. I follow it. I walk for what seems like 10 minutes or so and I come to a dead end. The trail of bluejays stop. I feel heavy hot breathing down my neck. I slowly turn my head and I come face to face with a hooded figure. Blood dripping down his mouth. He is holding his hand out to me.

“Oh heck no!” I think to myself.

I take off running, pushing him to the ground. My heart pounds and hot tears stream down my cheeks. I run and run until I fall down into a pile of poop water. The sound of flapping wings gets louder. I lift my head up and I’m surrounded by blue jays. A whole swarm of them. The fly at me picking at my flesh. I cry out in pain. My skin turning white then red. Dark crimson blood oozing out of the body. Drowning the water in a dark red. They continue to attack me. I wail my arms, trying to smack them away. I feel them ripping, tearing my muscles. I cry out again. One of the blue jays comes at my eye. Piercing it with its beak, turning my vision

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