Lost Luggage | Teen Ink

Lost Luggage

May 7, 2019
By abrassette8 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
abrassette8 BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Ashley, Ashley, Ashley! Wake up it’s time to leave,” said Rachel. Oh my gosh, it is and I have not even packed yet. I jumped out of bed and grabbed the suitcase that I never really use. It’s 4:30 a.m. in California and my flight leaves at 6:00 a.m. I’m going to be late! I grabbed my most worn items and some fancy pieces of clothing and shoved them into the suitcase. I quickly jumped into my car and raced to the airport. Luckily I made it in time to make my flight and get past security. Six hours pass by and I have made it to New York for Fashion Week. When it was time for everyone to get their bags I waited for my suitcase and then grabbed it. Soon after, I got into the uber I realized I grabbed somebody else's suitcase. This is a huge dilemma and I do not know what to do. I wanted to turn around and go back to the airport but to avoid an altercation I sat back and kept my mouth shut. When arriving at the hotel I realized something else really important. I did not put a tag on my suitcase saying who it belongs to. This day has been terrible, I just want to terminate all my stress and anxiety. I am so irate. I said in my head, “Why does all this bad stuff have to happen to me? Ugh!” As soon as I stepped foot in my hotel I was thinking maybe I got a female’s suitcase or someone who had clothes that I could maybe wear. Not surprisingly the luck was not in my favor and it was a male’s suitcase. I took the day off of rehearsal and I went shopping all day. During that shopping trip, I got all the toiletries and clothing I needed. Tomorrow is the big day and I was nervous that I wouldn't find anything for me to wear during the show but I found some pieces that would fulfill the job. My manager admonished me for not being prepared and taking the day off; but it was well needed. After I told him the story he agreed it was necessary. After all the stress and anxiety, I happily made it home with no problems and had a very stressful and mediocre week in New York.

The author's comments:

This piece is a short story

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