Lies and Deception | Teen Ink

Lies and Deception

May 10, 2019
By jasminemmurray BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
jasminemmurray BRONZE, Oswego, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She watched his lithe body saunter away.

“You’re engaged,” she reminded herself.

But she couldn’t help but think the dirty thoughts of the man who stayed etched in her mind.

His smooth enchanting voice; his gleaming sun kissed skin; deep hazel eyes.

She wanted him. But the glimmering ring on her finger remained a constant reminder:

she’s getting married in two weeks.

Fixing herself up and adjusting her dress, she decides it is time to leave the dim bar. Her small hand pulls against the metallic door handles, the cool wind brushes across her face. She holds her arms close to attain any form of heat to her frail frigid body. Her hand raises up, awaiting the arrival of the usual black and yellow transportation.

“Just can’t get enough of me, can you?” comes a familiar voice from her side,

a voice she knows all too well.

“I’m getting married. It could never happen between us,” she states firmly.

Her eyes still linger on his lips.

“He doesn't have to know,” he reassures, his body slowly closing the wide space between the two.

With their faces only inches apart, his rough hands move to her smooth rosy cheeks. Her body remains still as he nears the side of her face.

“He doesn't need to know,” he whispers, her body shivers into a state of euphoria.

His two hands leave her face, his tingling touch lingering across her cheeks. The close proximity between them evaporated as he neared the curb, pulling the bright yellow handle of the vehicle that slowly came to a stop.

With one swift motion he was already in the taxi, door hanging ajar.

“Are you coming or what?” his voice floats, dripping with seduction.

She knew internally she had a flaming desire for him. She needed him.

She craved him.

Gazing down at the silver band on her ring finger, she quickly slides it off with tremendous ease and places it in the depths of her purse.

She would rather proceed with her sinful actions without the haunting premonition of her soon to be husband in the back of her mind.

Without a second thought she enters the cab, promptly shutting out the innocent world she was just in.

Her body positioned toward his, she immediately forces a kiss.

This is what they both wanted.

With her hands still tethered to his face, she breaks the kiss. All that can be heard is heavy breathing.

Blaring vibrations of her phone emit onto the seats, a sonorous whimsical tone echoing within the compact space.

Without hesitation she goes to decline the call, but falters at the name appearing across the small screen.

Gazing at his face splashed with moonlight, the incessant ringing still present, she comes to her senses of the decision she needs to make.

With a click of a button, the phone is shut off; call declined.

Her face lingering in closeness to his, she puts her mouth to his ear,

“Your brother doesn't have to know.”

The author's comments:

An inexperienced student simply writing anything.

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