My thoughts on happiness | Teen Ink

My thoughts on happiness

May 10, 2019
By Anonymous

Happiness isn’t something that should be forced. I used to struggle with this a lot, and I used to let people walk over me. I have grown from that and I have learned what true happiness actually is. Surrounding yourself with people who actually care about you and especially your family, helps out a lot with trying to get a healthy mindset. I have lost many close friends this past year, but I am still growing. Having this kind of mindset has  pushed me past my limits, and made me the person I am today. I am happy and thriving. I feel at peace with everyone in my life right now and I am grateful for every single one of my friends. Happiness doesn’t feel forced with me like it used to, and I am so happy. Find what makes you happy and go with the flow. Surround yourself with happy people and positivity and that alone will take you such a long way. Strive to be the best person you can be, and be kind to others. Love one another, and be kind to yourself. Don’t be afraid speak up and say something. If you’re hurting say something, because you are loved.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece in my creative writing class. We are given a prompt every time we enter the classroom, and I really enjoyed this piece. 

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