A Bud of Hope | Teen Ink

A Bud of Hope

May 12, 2019
By carolinebrady2023 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
carolinebrady2023 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was a garden, and in that garden were flowers. There were many flowers in that garden; they were all many different colors and many different shapes and sizes. They all enjoyed watching the children play in the yard. The children enjoyed tending to the flowers with their mother and smelling their sweet aromas; they were all happy.

A year passed and the children did not pay as much attention to the flowers as much as they used to, but their mother continued to care for the flowers. The flowers loved her very much, and they were all happy. Two years have passed when the mother suddenly stopped caring for the flowers; actually they had not seen her out in a long time. Inside they knew they would never see her again; they grieved. No one went out into the yard anymore. The flowers were sad, but they tried to keep hope and waited.

Another two years have passed the garden was overthrown with weeds. The flowers had not seen the mother nor the children in so long. They were sad and missed all of the happy times spent with the children and their mother and longed to see them again when suddenly they heard the crunch of leaves. They looked up to see one of the children. They were filled with joy, “Oh look at how much he has grown,” they thought. As he walked over to them they all stood as tall and proud as they could; they had missed him so much.

As he crouched down to see them in all their beauty he began to pick each one of them, and the flowers, loving the boy so much, allowed him to do so without question. When he finally had gathered all of the flowers he turned around, and the flowers saw that the boy was not alone. There was also a girl with him, and he handed the flowers to her. The flowers watched this and understood that the boy loved this girl with all his heart. The flowers saw the boy, whom they loved so dearly, and watched him kiss the girl of his dreams. Then as they began to die they finally knew that this was the moment their whole lives had lead to. And they were happy.

The author's comments:

This piece is about keeping hope in times that seem hopless and giving anything for the people you love.

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