Cheese Rope | Teen Ink

Cheese Rope

May 15, 2019
By ScootScott BRONZE, Barboo, Wisconsin
ScootScott BRONZE, Barboo, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


SPOKESMAN stands between the fridge and an island (island not in shot) sorting through said fridge and pulls out a sting cheese with a radiant smile, looking at the camera. SPOKESMAN then proceeds to hurl the string cheese with unprecedented rage SR. Then resumes eye contact with camera with the prior smile.


“Hi. My name is (SPOKESMAN’s name) and I’ve been brought here to tell you about our new revolutionary product-”

Camera zooms out to shot of island with Uncle Scotty’s Cheese Rope on display.


“-Uncle Scotty’s Cheese Rope!”

Cut to Left Distant Shot of SPOKESMAN

SPOKESMAN turns toward the camera and proceeds toward it slowly while saying…


“Have you ever looked at a piece of string cheese and said to yourself-”

Camera cuts to MAN standing in the center of a living room very upset with the unappealing scale of the cheese stick in his hands, and says with a sense of distress…


“Golly gee! This sure is small.”

MAN turns to camera visibly sad.

Camera cuts back to SPOKESMAN at island, now Shauna Whiteing the various ropes.


“Well I’m here to tell you that those days are no more! With Uncle Scotty’s Cheese Rope, you can eat to your hearts delight, with ropes coming on TONS of different lengths! Like this __ inch rope, and even this 2 foot rope! These are perfect for those long days at your kids sporting events, for you and the kiddos. Imagine the possibilities, with Uncle Scotty’s Cheese Rope. Sold in the dairy aisle at Pierces and Festival!”

SPOKESMAN poses with Uncle Scotty’s Cheese Rope.


The author's comments:

I am a man.

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