Kingdom Gone | Teen Ink

Kingdom Gone

May 16, 2019
By Anonymous

The Fourteenth Day of the Harvesting Season:

Castle are mostly known to be beautiful, conventional places, where fairytale romances bloom and princess become queens with their savior by their side. This castle was anything but. The atmosphere was cold and dense. The air was constantly hot and most, the smell of mildew lingering throughout its halls. One would expect much beauty from even hearing such a simple term as “castle.” But to me, the thought of a castle brought to mind the one in which I reside in. One that prosaically managed to throw off the natural beauty that surrounded it. 

The Twentieth Day of the Harvesting Season:

If there was anything more drabby than the castle itself, it had to be the one who dwelled within its walls. I was, for the most part, the complete opposite of what a princess should be. I held my head with the most earnest expression I could muster, to keep my status as that of a princess of course. In all honesty however, my shoulders drooped I walked alone in those halls. I couldn’t give a care in the world about anyone, much less myself. I had bags under my eyes from my lack of sleep, and I never smiled. Many of the castle keepers liked to call me the “Solemnest of the Solemn.” Even I’ve begun to respond to it.

The Twenty-Ninth Day of the Harvesting Season:

Usually I stay alone in the castle. Well, I like to think I’m alone. However, since I was a younger girl, I recalled this strange figure that I would see in the shadows of the castle, in my peripheral vision, or even standing in the threshold of my bedroom while I slept at night. This thing gave off a malevolent vibe, and it frightened me most nights. Recently, it seemed to be getting closer as well. Example, I was simply walking around in the garden, examining the change in leaf colors as I usually do around the harvesting season. I noticed the figure standing just a few paces away from where I resided. It was close enough that I finally got a view of its physical features. The look on its face was one of terror and spite, and it scared me some back into the castle. I knew I wasn’t safe even there.

The First Day of the Freezing Season:

I had the most terrifying encounter with this figure today. I woke up just a bit past twilight time, and to my surprise, the object was nearly touching noses with me. In fear and woe, I grabbed the glass china sitting on my nightstand, and threw with all the might I could muster. The figure disappeared, leaving my fine china to shatter into pieces on my floor, the blight object glimmering in the moonlight.

The Sixth Day of the Freezing Season:

This was of the worst days. I don’t know where I am anymore. The figure had tried to attack, and I fled far from the once safe haven. It was a reasonable move, seeing as that I could either be killed or run for my life. I’m stuck in a forest now, there are millions of voices at a time filling the atmosphere, or probably my head. Most of them are barley plausible, with little to no correlation to either of them.

December 10th:

I came across the figure again. However, it didn’t take on the dark entity it had been camouflaged as for years. This figure was enthralling to me, pulling me into its presence with its beguiling nature. I couldn’t step away for a mere second. This figure outstretched its hands to me, and now I’m in a different realm. One where everything is fresh and new. No castles cover the horizon, but replaced with tall, towers of glass and metal. People walk the streets in revealing clothing, no dresses or women or tunics for men. Mechanical horses dwell the stone streets too, which I find very interesting.

December  27th:

I finally realize what that figure was wanting for me after so long. To bring me into this new dominion where castles and princesses no longer existed. Everyone was a prowess of their own life doing as they pleased. I miss home, I admit, but I enjoy this life. I don’t have to frolic around in those dreadful dresses any longer, and instead spend time “socializing” with other people as I please.

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