A Million Ways Home | Teen Ink

A Million Ways Home

May 16, 2019
By Libby_Denckhoff BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
Libby_Denckhoff BRONZE, St.louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In A Million Ways Home by Dianna Dorisi Winget, Poppy, the protagonist deals with solving a crime and her grandma being in the hospital because of a stroke. Poppy wants to help her grandma get better, but she can’t do anything about it.  Poppy’s parents died when she was young, and her grandma became her legal guardian.

Her grandma was getting better from a stroke, so they moved her to a nursing home. Poppy lives at an orphanage. One day Poppy is desperate to see her grandma at the nursing home and the headmaster, Ms Austin, tells her she will take drive Poppy there next day. Instead of waiting, Poppy decides to get on a bus and head to the nursing home. Poppy gets off at the wrong stop and heads to a nearby gas station, where she buys a snack, then Poppy goes out the back door.  She sees a guy with a mask on holding a gun. She was the only one to see his face, so the police use her as an valuable witness. Poppy stays at one of the police officer mom's house until they find the shooter. How does Poppy get on a bus after talking with the headmaster and no one stops her? Why did Poppy go out the back door of a gas station?

I would definitely recommend this book to any teenagers that like a fictional story. This book was so suspenseful it kept me on the edge of my seat, and I didn’t want to put the book down.

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