The Sun, The Moon, and The Man | Teen Ink

The Sun, The Moon, and The Man

July 13, 2019
By Anonymous

Have you ever noticed the sun on a hot summer's night? The way it holds onto the edge of the Earth's surface? The nineteen hours she spends with the people on Earth aren't enough for her. She is inconsiderate. People are awake with her, while they are asleep with him.

The moon doesn't mind the lack of attention. A handful of people across the globe notice him. They see him. All of him. Their relationships run deep. The moon loves these people to his very core. They are there for each other, always. 

A lonely man sits perched upon the roof of his apartment building, gazing at the sunset. He waits for the moon to make his appearance. The man usually leaves with the sun, but today is different. Today was the beginning of the end. The man's wife loved the moon. Loved. She went to the roof every night to see him. The man thought of her as an idiot for caring for the moon more than the sun. After all, the sun brought forth all happiness. 

His vision blurred, the man welcomed another swig of alchohol he and his wife had saved for a special occasion. There would be no special occassion. The war made sure of that. After another drink, the weight in his front pocket became too much to bare. He retrieved a metal ring on a silver chain and dangled it in front of his eyes. Moonlight glistened upon its surface. 

As a tear escaped his eye, the man looked to the moon for guidance. His feet stood in the same place his wife's once had. Before he could say a word, a warm breeze swallowed him whole and whispered, "I love you. Take care of him and yourself."

Taking a deep breath, the man absorbed his wife's voice. After a deep sigh, he returned to his apartment and their sleeping son. 

The author's comments:

Writing is my happy place. Please enjoy my way of expression. 

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