Name Essay | Teen Ink

Name Essay

October 2, 2019
By 0mcintyre BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
0mcintyre BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is the color green. The color of its ancestors. The color of the tall wide hills that surround the country of its origin. Green is what I see when I hear an Irish name like mine. 

My English name means champion. In Gaelic it means noble. It means happiness like a little kid waking up on Christmas Day. It means friendly, like a firm handshake with a smile. It is like the number 10. Easy to remember. It is the green trees that you see driving through the dense forest that consumes the upper peninsula of Wisconsin.

My name was an original idea. Thought of by my mother and father. From the Irish ancestors of Nollan in the 12th century. Through the vast green hills in Ireland.

My name has names too. Noll. Nolito. Nono. Although other people might go by those names, my name stays the same. The same name I was given at birth and the same when I leave this earth.

My name is unique and that is what I like about it. Not too long. Not too short. Perfect in length and easy to say. It is still the color green, like the giant hills where its name derives from. The color green is nothing too light, or dark it is the perfect shade, like a tree frog jumping from leaf to leaf.

My name represents happiness, like seeing green leaves waving back and forth through the summer wind. It's not too long, not too short, not too hard to say. My name is unique and I’ll keep it that way.

The author's comments:

It took a lot of revisions.

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