My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 2, 2019
By BernA BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
BernA BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Alyssa. Light but bold. A light pink or rose color. A bold factor that makes it a little bit darker. The flow of Alyssa is so sweet that it lightens up the color to make it rosier. The name is rather flowy and inviting instead of muddy and unclear. Concise and easy to see. 

In German, my name means noble. Dainty with so much power. A variation of Alicia and coming from the flower named Alyssum. It’s quite faint. Alyssums are white, dainty. Determined little flowers but flowy with the way they look. They complete anything like a centerpiece on a wood table displaying their beauty. 

It was a name given to me by my mom. A name that I need to live up to and displays to others who I am. Alyssa’s are hardworking with a bit of flair to them. It’s a name that makes me work until I cry, but reap the benefits of the effort. Hardworking and loyal to others. The name implies everything is done correctly and in the most respectful manner.  A name not always fit for me, but a name that changes stereotypes. 

Beautiful and full of nature. Alyssa is a mountain range. They have high peaks with snow-capped tops, reaching to the sky. A high accomplishment rate and high recognition. The mountains are stunning and full of nature. Beautiful and light, Alyssa is full of sass. 

Alyssa goes perfectly with the number eight. Eight is a definite number. It’s symmetrical and flows as you write it. The number has four parts on each side. Being a multiple of four, it’s similar to how nicknames are parts of Alyssa. The name has a few nicknames such as Ally, Lyss, and Lyssa adding to the significance of Alyssa. Strong and confident like an old tree with roots continuing on forever. 

The name Alyssa is one I would never change because it’s the real me. It’s who I am and who people know me of. Determined and bold yet dainty and light.

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