My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

October 3, 2019
By Anonymous

In English, my name means rest or repose. According to the old testament, Noah was the builder of the Ark that allowed him, his family, and animals of each species to survive the great flood. From the Hebrew name Noach, my name was born. The story of Noah’s Ark goes something like this….

Noah was a righteous man and walked with God. Seeing that earth was corrupt and filled with violence, God instructed Noah to build an ark in which he, his sons, their wives, together with male and female of all living creatures, would be saved from the waters. 

It was my great uncle’s name, and now it’s mine. My uncle liked the name, even though my dad’s name is Mike. Anyways Noah is of Hebrew origin meaning rest and comfort similar to the English meaning. In Hebrew, Noah was a popular name for comfort and peace. I’m sure there was a story behind the name Noah in Hebrew besides the meaning, but further research could not tell. 

The Hebrew’s are usually a peaceful and calm culture. Therefore, why not create a name after how they act or are. I like to rest or sleep a lot, I’m very comforting as well and peaceful. The ancient Hebrew’s the name Noah was derived from, again describing the Hebrews. 

As an English Christian name, Noah has been used since the Protestant Reformation, being common among the Puritans. My mom is no Hebrew but she liked the name Noah, and at the time it was a popular name. The name Noah evokes sounds like the smoothness of water and soft restful and peacefulness of the water. 

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