Without You | Teen Ink

Without You

October 28, 2019
By Anonymous

     It was a cloudy morning and the crows outside cawed relentlessly. Their harsh cries echoed through the dull walls of the house. She tried to stay calm in front of her father. Knowing that the second he sees her breaking heart, the last string holding his own will also break. She tried not to think about it. She really did. But even as she desperately tried to forget about it, she knew that she couldn’t stop herself from seeing her mother’s beautiful smile. Seeing her loving and encouraging eyes and feeling her warm hug. 

     So she ran. She ran and left behind her father, her home, and herself because the moment her mother left her to go to the heavens, she knew that she wouldn’t ever be able to be herself again. She knew that along with her dear mother, her home, and her pillar of strength and support had also died. She looked up at the sky and saw her mother with the angels in a whirlwind of dark clouds. Her pretty face was smiling but her eyes were on the edge of madness as she remembered her father’s decision to join her mother in the heavens.

The author's comments:

When I wrote this set-piece, I was practicing foreshadow and mood. To be more specific, I was trying to write about trauma, grief, and mild madness. If you pay attention closely, you might find some light symbolism here and there. What I like about this piece is the way I transitioned the words from reality to fantasy, literally to figuratively, without losing the meaning that I was trying to convey.

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