What if the cycle of life was continuous? | Teen Ink

What if the cycle of life was continuous?

November 4, 2019
By superbushido BRONZE, Greenwood, Arkansas
superbushido BRONZE, Greenwood, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What if the cycle of life was continuous? I mean like what if after our world ends it starts from the beginning? Like this same exact thing were to happen again. You, biologically “you” (more like a clone per se) were to be reading this. Reading this and have your opinions you’re restricted free will, all of it. But let’s say some it was Marioplex level. (10^12431) That many years from now or behind us. Would you do anything differently than how you are now? Would you take more risks? Would you regret less than you probably do now? Would you become more of a recluse? But all of this is hypothetical. None of this has any backing of any sort. But if you look at deja vu? How weird is it then, or if you look how at some point in genetics our genes are gonna repeat. So I ask, what if the life cycle is continuous?

The author's comments:

I come from a single-parent home and I'm trying to find my way out in the world. Often I contemplate small things like how there's a missing variable in why bees fly. I'm originally from northern Iowa, I can't say that I have a hometown though. Moving around a lot kinda makes that difficult. 

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