Perseverance | Teen Ink


November 6, 2019
By Anonymous

   It was a dark, stormy night. The hill was completely thunderstruck. The rain crashed to the ground, and lightning flashed and thunder struck every few seconds. The hill was completely drenched, and it was very creepy. Large black trees loomed over you like ghosts in a forest, creeping over you. Different cries of animals could be heard from miles away. In the distance, you could see small fires burning, due to lightning strikes. The bright light of the fire is like a monster in the dark, trying to catch you. The snakes would pounce on you if you took a step closer to them. The raccoons and the bears would attack you after seeing you. He was stuck in the forest, not knowing where to go. He was scared out of his wits, but he still carried on. He had no hope, but he still moved on. Soon, the only hopes remaining were falling out like a stack of dominoes. Yet, he still pushed his way through vines. The muck on the ground seemed to stick more to him than usual. He still pushed on. At last, he saw it. At last, he saw what he thought he would have never seen in his life.

The author's comments:

I like nature

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