Thats My Sandwich | Teen Ink

Thats My Sandwich

November 13, 2019
By Anonymous

“Honk,shewww.” I snored. huh Why did my dad not wake me up, I’m gonna check to see if there’s bad weather. I looked outside and there was snow everywhere. “Snow day, woohoo!” I cheered. I opened the fridge to make my breakfast. “Yes, full fridge, now I have as much food as I want while I’m playing games. “MMMM, these deluxe pancakes are good.” “beep!” I turned my ps4 on. I’m playing some call of duty black ops 4.

“Three hours later of gaming” I went downstairs to get some food. “WHAT!, this is a joke.” I ranted. The fridge was empty. I heard footsteps behind me. The back door was open. “What on earth, all the food is in the snow.” I was fuming. Who did this? I saw an egg in the corner of the fridge, as I was grabbing for it I saw my brothers hand grab it from over my shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I questioned angerly. “This,” he replied. I saw his arm pull back like a slingshot, in a blink of an eye his hand flung forward, his fingers were slipping off the egg, index to pinkie finger. “Splat.” the egg broke. Omg egg was all over my face. “Wait a minute, is that my sandwich?” I snapped. “Maybe.” my brother giggled. It was half-eaten. “Why is my food eaten?” my brother replied with “I was hungry.”                                                                             

The author's comments:

it's a journal expansion.

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