Life In the Underworld | Teen Ink

Life In the Underworld

November 22, 2019
By Anonymous

Lopez F

Life In The Underworld


Life in the Underworld people think that Hades is the lord of the underworld and on his gates, there are his three head dog but that is all a lie but one day I was dead for 4 hours. One night I went to sleep but on that night, I felt that something was wrong with me but I did not bother me at all but what I didn’t know was that I will not wake up the next day. When I woke up, I realize that I was not in my house I was in a place that had small tunnel and that was the only thing around there so I decided to go through the tunnel and when I cross the tunnel I was in a place that was dark and there are voices talking around the walls. Then there was a voice that was more dipper that the other ones and that brought chills down my dead body.

When I heard the voice I know that voice and that was Lucifer the devil himself was looking at me from one side from the dark side that then later that day he turn on the darkness with fire  and his telling “ has been a long time that I have been waiting for you” sitting on his throne with people head cut off and I'm in shock I'm telling him you don’t know me that this just a lie and your just trying to play with my head. He is telling me so the place were I live and all of my demons are a lie and heaven is not real to so everything is a lie too. I'm in fear because four of his demons and took me with the rest of the other people that were stuck there with me and you can see all the darkness in the underworld you see snakes eating people alive and the people come out alive and they do the same cycle all over again and I ran away to a different place but in that place you can see demons with forks in fire and in a big bowl with fire and they toss people in there and they stab them with the fork and push their bodies to the fire and you can see there burn to ashes and they come back to live and that is there cycle too. 

I was thinking how did I get myself into this mess I want to get out of this bad place I want to see if there’s a way out of here and I'm running around looking for a place to get out of here but I couldn’t believe my eyes I saw things that I did not want to see in my whole life and I gave up and I told the devil himself what do to get out of here and he is saying just say the truth of you harming people's lives and I'm like you have the wrong person that is not me he is laughing out loud he is like this is not you he said I see you all the time and he when back in time and show me my life he said and this is not you making fun of this kid and you hurt his feeling that he does not want to go to school anymore because you made fun of him. And I'm like yes that is me but I'm like I did not want to do that I just did it to look cool and couldn’t live that place because if a sinner and that where I belong, I never want to see my family here, 

The author's comments:

This my spiritual belief makes me think that when your bad you well go there if you don't behave.

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