Reniko | Teen Ink


December 2, 2019
By Anonymous

Gabriella and her best friend Maggie, owned a puppy together called Reniko. Reniko has black curly hair with a blue tongue and blue eyes. He was stunning. Maggie and Gabriella did everything for this puppy. They’d bring him to the park, to get ice cream, to the grocery store, downtown, and many more extravagant places. Maggie and Gabriella would leave Reniko home alone and allow him to hangout with other puppies and children. They spent day in and day out with the puppy and giving him their all. 

One day, Gabriella and Maggie’s neighbor came over to play with their sweet puppy. Then, the unthinkable happened. Our sweet puppy, Reniko, was pushed over and quickly snapped and bit the little girl’s finger. After that, I began to doubt my teachings for Reniko and if I did something wrong. Maggie and I were hesitant to go by Reniko, we were very upset with him and didn’t know how to react to something like this. We began doing less things with him. Maggie and I were just in awe of Reniko’s actions and the idea that we truly must’ve done something wrong. After a few months, Maggie and I began to go through a teeter totter effect of either trusting Reniko or not trusting him. Throughout a long year of retraining and changing whether we should allow Reniko around people, we decided to start going places again and teaching Reniko that it’s okay if someone plays with him. Overall, this helped us grow closer with one another and with Reniko. Our love for each other as friends, thanks to our shared desire to teach and raise Reniko, made us realize that there’s always a plan for everything. Finally, throughout that year, Reniko, Gabriella, and Maggie all grew as teachers and puppies.

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