The Buzzing iPhone | Teen Ink

The Buzzing iPhone

December 2, 2019
By Anonymous

(From Point of View of a Phone)

    “If you had to choose today, where would you go?” This question was texted by her Father, I felt the buzz from the ringtone she had set for him. He was worried about her decision, he knew that she was very indecisive. I watched as she picked me up and started to text. She was texting so fast and angrily. This was not the first time he had asked her that question. I could see her face looking down at me, she had typed out a response, even I thought she knew where she wanted to go to high school. She started typing very fast, the little bubbles popped up on her fathers phone but quickly went away. She typed and retyped her response multiple times. Then ended up not answering. 

    Later that night, she unplugged me from her charger next to her night stand and began to text all of her friends. She asked almost everyone she knew, “where are you going to go to high school?” Her friend group was evenly split between the two high schools she was looking at. After asking all of her friends, I started to see her become even more confused. She never answered anyone when they asked that same question. 

    Fast forward, months later she was still undecided. I could tell she was becoming frustrated and stressed out. I knew this was something she would often struggle with, she was a very indecisive person. The day before the entrance exam she had told her parents she was hundred percent positive she knew where she wanted to go. Deep down I could tell she was still very anxious about if she was making the right decision. She texted her close friends telling them about her doubts. They reassured her that everything would be fine. So, she took the test at her school and felt confident. She being at her new school. She started to learn that as she become ot know herself better making decisions were not as difficult. 

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