My Evil Tale | Teen Ink

My Evil Tale

December 3, 2019
By carlee_pauley BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
carlee_pauley BRONZE, Metairie, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I live in the darkness of waters waiting for my time to kill. I always had the instinct of a monster given that I was born into evil, but at times I wish I could just be normal. Because of my inheritance of evil, I feared the almighty power of God and was afraid of what He could do to me. Late one night, I heard the music from the kingdom of Herot and wished I could be apart of the fun. I could tell that the golden home of royalty was filled with lively people dancing and drinking. With this thought, I knew it was my time to feed. I made my way out of my marsh and headed for the party at Herot. I was ecstatic at the thought of a vast amount of drunken people who would soon be my dinner. Once I got to Herot I made my way to the hall that was filled with music and saw before me drunken men fast asleep. Lying before me were mounded flesh, drunken and asleep, having no knowledge of me being in their presence. I soon had devoured at least 30 men, and the hall was filled with a sea of red from the corpses I had killed. I left Herot accomplished and satisfied with my late-night meal.  Throughout the years, I continued to kill the people of Herot. Because of my continuous killing, Herot became deserted and people feared me.

The author's comments:

Based on the story of Beowulf. From the perspective of Grendel.  

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