The Worst Day Ever | Teen Ink

The Worst Day Ever

December 3, 2019
By Anonymous

It was a Saturday, me and my family were packing up to spend a week in Las Vegas. My mom first rented a hotel before we left for that way when we get there we have a place to stay. Well, anyways we finished packing up. We put the bagages in the back of the trunk, got it and left. Hours later we were on the road to Las Vegas and we made a stop to use the restroom but we still had a long way to go. We left the resting station and while we were back on the road the car started to slow down. It eventually stopped. My parents were freaking out they didn’t know what to do because we were in the middle of nowhere. It’s a good thing one of my brother lives in Las Vegas. My mom pulled up her phone and called him for help. He was on his way but, we had to wait for hours because it was still a long way.

The author's comments:

I wrote this because it is about what I been through.

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