Growth | Teen Ink


December 5, 2019
By Anonymous

I was numb. The music that I listened to just simply bounced in and around in my head. Only to get jumbled up with my thoughts. Thoughts of Sorrow and Despair populated my mind. As I attempted to get through the day, AGAIN. It was not until I met him, that I felt something worth living for. He helped me grow. Maybe it was the small amount of hope that I got from him, or maybe it was him seeing something in me that I never saw something in myself. All I knew for sure was, God I want to feel again. The emptiness of where I should feel happiness and joy was filled with sadness and despair. It was not until I met him that I realized I was holding myself back from being happy. Everyone else was happy, why couldn't I be happy? Why didn’t I deserve this?

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