A Christmas with Snow | Teen Ink

A Christmas with Snow

December 6, 2019
By madeleinethorne BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
madeleinethorne BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the day before the start of Christmas break and as I was walking home from school I noticed something floating down from the sky in front of me. As I looked closer I realized what it was, snow! I jumped up and down and shouted out for joy. The neighborhood boys playing basketball across the street looked at me like I was crazy. Even though I was living in Maine now, I had moved there from New Orleans and had never seen snow before. My heart filled with happiness as I realized that this year I would have a white Christmas. I skipped the rest of the way home and hurried inside to tell my family the good news. As I was putting my books away I thought of all the fun things my cousins and I could do once they arrived tonight. They had never seen snow before either and I knew they would be just as happy as I was once they saw it. I shouted out “Mom, it’s snowing outside!”, and walked into the kitchen to see her. “I know, honey, won’t your aunts and uncles be so happy that they decided to come visit us in our new house instead of staying home for the holidays.” I turned on the radio to listen to Christmas music as I ate my afternoon snack. Then, all of a sudden the lights turned off and the radio quit playing. “Woah, what happened,'' I asked. “The power must have shut off,'' my mom replied. At that moment my dad and brother walked in from throwing a baseball in the backyard. “The wind is starting to get stronger and it knocked off a couple of power lines, cutting off all electricity in the city,” my dad announced. “Oh no, now we don’t have any way to cook dinner or heat up the house,” my mom exclaimed. “And now we can’t watch Christmas movies tonight with our cousins,” my little brother Josh cried out. “Don’t worry about that Josh, the airports have all shut down until they get electricity back so your cousins won’t be arriving until at least tomorrow night,” explained Dad. “Aw, I was so excited about the snow coming but now I wish it would go away,” I said. “Sometimes you have to be careful of what you wish for, because it may turn out to not be what you hoped it would,” my mom said to me. After that we all went different ways to think about what had happened. Suddenly, the lights came back on and I heard the radio playing again. “Yay,” my mom yelled, “Now we can cook a big dinner because your cousins will arrive on time and you can watch your movies tonight too.” “It must have been pretty easy to fix,” my dad replied, “now, let’s get in the car and drive around to look at the Christmas lights, then we can go pick up our family from the airport.” We were all very grateful after this that we would get our first white Christmas, get to spend the holidays with our family in our new house, and still be able to watch our Christmas movies.

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