Another Night of Victories | Teen Ink

Another Night of Victories

December 6, 2019
By Anonymous

I could barely contain my eagerness as I waited for my encounter with the terrible Grendel. Finally, in the dead of night I heard as the prince of wickedness tore the door open and headed for the hall full of sleeping warriors. My adrenaline kicked in as I watched Grendel grab a Geat, rip him apart, and devour him. It would soon be time to complete the job I had come here to do. I did not fear Grendel or death. At last, I felt Grendel’s claw reach for me, so I grabbed his arm with all my strength. Grendel did not expect this, and the fear in his eyes was evident. I could feel him trying to escape, but my grip was too strong. As Grendel struggled to escape I felt my pride swell up. Grendel and I continued to battle through Herot. At one point Grendel’s screams of pain and terror that I caused woke the other warriors. Once the warriors realized what was happening they tried to protect me with their weapons. I did not need their help because I had experience in defeating monsters on my own but it was a nice gesture. After a while we realized that the weapons were not harming Grendel, so I decided to take the battle back into my own hands and end Grendel once and for all. I ripped Grendel’s weapon made of flesh off his body. This was his prized weapon and I took it from him. Grendel did escape, but I doubt he survived for long. I hung Grendel arms from the beams at Herot. I did this to display my trophy I won from the battle. I knew that this would not be my last battle, but for the moment I was happy soaking up the people of Herot’s praise. I was now the epitome of heroes to the people of Herot. 

The author's comments:

It is a different point of view of Beowulf 

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