Save The Turtles | Teen Ink

Save The Turtles

December 16, 2019
By Anonymous

This is about something I care about a lot. I love turtles and they make me happy. I used to love them until something happened. I was swimming in the ocean with all of my friends, specifically Chris Parker and his sister Robin Parker. We are all such good friends and we love to surf in the ocean. Sometimes I like to think I can swim with the turtles and that sometimes they talk to me. One time our conversation started like this “Hey turtle” I say softly underwater “He talked to me, I am so surprised he can form words with his mouth” she said with shock in her voice “I can speak with my mouth” I say with confidence almost proud of myself that I can form words, Everything feels like a dream. I feel really connected with her turles I told her that her name was, Suzie. Suzie the turtle. She was my friend in the ocean, she was my secret ever since then. I would always go to the ocean and she would just be there ready for ur conversations and always there to be my friend. One time I went to the ocean and she wasn’t there like she has been for nearly 16 years. My whole life. Then one day she just wasn’t and then I saw an article online about how plastic straws kill turtles and that suzie must have been a victim of these killer straws. Ever since then I never use straws and I try and stop people from using straws because of suzie.

The author's comments:

Its about turtles.

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