The Mother | Teen Ink

The Mother

December 26, 2019
By Zion-Spruill BRONZE, Evans, Georgia
Zion-Spruill BRONZE, Evans, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once there was a young mother, a beautiful woman who got impregnated and gave birth to a beautiful young boy. Being so young the boy was oblivious to the dangers of the world and so she protected him. As she and her precious boy got older she started to realize that she wasn't going to have another beautiful boy or girl and so she procted him even more fiercely. Many years had passed and the weight of protecting a child took a toll on the beautiful mother, for she, was no longer beautiful her face had become wrinkly and it was harder for the woman to move. A time came where the child was mature enough that he didn't need care anymore, though, it was too late for the mother for, now she was whithered and needed care, and care she got. for the son knew of all the protection and care given to him while he was young, and he knew he had to return the favor, so he started caring for his mother. Soon though the child had a son and he protected him as his mother did, and when his mother died the child kept on protecting his children so that they may be safe and grow up like he did. Many years passed for now the child is old and his children now care for him, for the cycle of love and care continues forever. 

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