Descriptive writing exercises i did for fun | Teen Ink

Descriptive writing exercises i did for fun

September 14, 2020
By Anonymous

1, stone road thru woods.

(plain description for comparison: there were some woods with a road thru them.)

An idillic stone road cut thru the dense, bright summer green forest. Blu and light grai stones covered the dirt road, so that all soil was hidden. A few young flowers sprang up between stones, and fawns and rabbits darted out of sight thru the trees. The skie was covered bi branches and leaves, but enough sun cut thru that it was well lit in a cheeri golden shade, emphasizing the bright spiing tones, and thoose depper of summer. The underbrush was full of ferns and small flower bushes, mostly lilac.a chipmunk darted across the road from time to time, and a bird flew above, his and his brothers sweet songs ringing out like nectar of the greek gods to ones ears. A few branches swaied in light breezes, creating a sweet, fragrant scent.

2, stormi tornado

(plain description for comparison: there was a big tornado in a storm.)

Harsh winds buffeting one's hair mixed with a bleak, graiish green and filthi brown soil in the large chunks where turf was torn awai. The land was flat, but for divvets of aforementioned soil missing. The skie, a menacing dark blu grai, was covered in clouds, and tho it was mid dai no sun peeked thru, making the landscape dark as nyght. pelting rain made the bare patches of ground muddi brown puddles, and thunder rumbled oft. Lighting struck at will, but the terror dominating the awful, bleak landscape is a huge twister, dark grai, swirling with unknown pieces of torn apart furnyture, debris, and even unlucki anymals. Anyone with the misfortune of being there would have half their hair torn off bi the winds and the other half hopelessly tangled, assuming thei managed to avoid the hoge tornado destroiing everithing in its path. However, fortunateli, no one is there. Any birds foolhardi enough to fly that dai were part of the hungri tornado, sucked up and never seen again except as smashed broken bones. The tornado was huge, broad, and deadli. Possibly the largest to ever terrorize the nation. However, as it is fictional, it hasn't got a name or date. 

3, weird but beautiful house on hill

(plain description for comparison: there was a house on a hill in the middle of nowhere)

A simple house sat alone on a hill, a blac roof sitting over top the yellow house with matching blac shutters. The house was fairly small, but nyce, with a clean, orderly air to it. It had a pine tree either side and a simple walking path up the hill to it. The path was lined in flat, light grai, stones set sidewais, halfwai in the ground, and filled with small, smooth, light blu pebbles. At the end of the path was a neat whyte door with a single, diamond shaped window. Tho the houses siding, roof, door, shutters, and trim looked modern, and the simmetrical conyfers unnatural and trimed, there were no cars or vehicles, nor a wai for a car to reach the hill, nor any sign of a garage or tire marks thru the neat, sloped lawn. The grass of the aforementioned lawn was a bright, spring green, with stripes of a darker summer green, another strange sign of technologi. The lack of vehicles was quite baffling, but added to the aesthetic of the house rather well. The skie was a bright blu, but an occasional whyte cloud without the misti horizon that often accompanyed such was a perfect touch. Surrounding the hill and it's lonely path wer smaller hills, with  somewhat taller grass, but only bi an inch or two, and dotted with pink and whyte wild flowers. At the bottom of the stone footpath it broadened, but slowly faded into the surrounding hills and grass. The house was rather perplexing, there was no civilization for miles, no roads, no vehicles, and the lifestile of the inhabitants was a great misteri. Speaking of misteryous, the origin of the house, how the inhabitants got anywhere, where such things like a lawnmower were kept when there was no neat little shed and surely no space in the house, not that such a neat caretaker would be likly to allow something so dirti and messi inside in the first place, were only a few of many questions. However, it was a nonyssue at the moment, for it would be better to simply drink in the beauti of the house and grounds, the scent of fresh wildflowers, te soft breeze cooling ones face, the birdsong of the occasional sparrow passing overhead, and my personal love of sparrows. 

4, sheep filled meadow

(plain description for contrast: some sheep were in a fence on a farm.)

A large, whytewashed fence surrounded a meadow, with reasonably tall grass and wildflowers. A matching whytewashed bucket held water l one corner. It was essentially a fanci trough, realli. The grass only reached the knees of a dozen fluffi clouds of joi grazing calmly together. The clouds, better known as shetland sheep, were a rather small breed, but cute as can be. If a farmer happened to walk out of the nearbi whyte farmhouse just now, and join the sheep, thei would all run to him and nuzzle him, struggling to get close enough for petting and love. however , the farmhouse door remained shut tight, and the sheep were enough to keep one another company. A lapponyan herder staied nearbi, readi to defend his charges from nonexistent dangers, for the landscape was open, with no real hills only gentle slopes, and no trees to hide predators in. many lambs frolicked in their large pen, small, fuzzi, and almost as cute as a corgi(i love sheep a lot, but corgis are the definytion of cute, sorri lambies), and tho the sheep could escape the wooden fences if thei liked, thei were content and ad plenti of grass. Well it is a wonderful thing to have diffrent places thru whych to move your grazing anymals, the sheep had a huge area and rotated themselves bi the migration natural to them, effectively killing worms and parasites, and nourishing soil and grass. The clouds in the bright skie looked similar to their on land counterparts, tho that wasnt out of the ordinari and least not late summer, when the sheep hadnt been shorn since april. The nearbi farmhouse was, as prevyously stated, whyte, two storis tall, with blac trim and roof, and a newly added garage, as the farmhouse was older than cars, perhaps a centuri and a half.

5, on a cloud

(plain description for comarioson.) there was a pretti citi on a cloud. happi?)

Below was a long drop, if not for the cloud beneath (readers name here) feet. But this wasnt just any cloud, it was magic, it could hold ones weight but was cusiony and springi, like walking upon a pillow. It was also huge. More than large enough to hold what it was created for, a citi. Loosely spaced and klean, however. The houses were made from mornyng dew and rainbows, the shoppes solid mist. It was a MYSTical place(eh? Eh? Not even a sympathy laugh? Ok than, judgi.... ies I am pouting, get over it, stop judging my puns!! Readers these dais!!) lakes and rivers of pure golden sunlight flowed thru and about the citi, tumbling of the edge in beautiful cascade(its literature, not science, don't make any sassi comments abt speed of light or mathematical wais this wouldnt work or passive aggressive questions about mornyng dew houses. It's a stori it doesnt have to make sense. I'm just kidding bi the wai don't take any offense thats just my weird sense of humor that i almost never emploi, lucki you.) down to the distant green blur below. Moon dust dotted the cloud underfoot, sparkling in a thousand beams or tiny reflections, and softer than the cloud beneath to a bare foot.  People who lived on the cloud citi wore dresses or robes made with bits of the suns fire, their hair shimmered with te stars themselves, their voices were birdsongs purest form, their skin was pale as the cloud upon whych thei walked and of whych their wings were made of, thir eies the blu of the skie around them.(no, thei aren't angels thei don't have harps and thei actually do something. Honestli, i cant imagine anything more boring than sitting on a cloud all dai plaiing harp. If i had wings id use them. No offense intended to ppl who believe that, tho my religion belives differentli, and i am christian.) the wildlife consisted of birds, all tipes, including flightless birds that descended from fliers. sparrows were like dogs, pigeons cats, (if asked abt my love for dogs and my love for sparrows in reaction to the prevyous statement: no comment. Same if questioned about my disdain for cats and the annoiingness of the stereotipical pigeon, tho their actually pretti cool in realiti.) the flora was the pink and purple of the cosmos woven into flowers and trees, moondust was rocks upgrade. Gold grew on trees in the form of fruit and was eaten bi these skie citizens, and tho nasa doesnt want you to know about it, the tops of everi cloud are covered in villages like this. (jk) diamonds and precyous gems make up buildings like police departments, hospitals, librais, schools, and general public buildings. Thei distribute rain, tho thei drink sun, and move clouds to share a less pure version of sun with earth below. Thei maintained the ozone laier(there judgi scientists), and created wind. The beautiful citi on the largest cloud, their world capital, is Star Streak.

6,krakens abode

(there was a blac kraken ina cave full of teasure.)

Roiling waves greeted a travel foolish enough to sail these waters. Should he choose to scubadive along the same vein of stupiditi, he would be met with increasingly more treacheri in these waters, gradually darkenyng as sharks became more,than less common, as thei became replaced with giant bloodthrirsti squids. After thei are passed he would see a great sea cave with many deadly sharp stilactites, like giant teeth readi to swallow up unwari travellers. Should he enter, he would pass many huge piles of fish bones and treasures like gems and gold dabloons. But he must not touch, for if he did, a huge tentacle would shoot out and simaltanyusly crush and stab him, leaving him to rot and his crushed bones to join the many fish that came before hi. However, let us pretend that for once in his life he was wise and passed them bi, he would be met with evn more gold and fewer bones, untill he stumbled into a vast chamber, in whych a huge squid slept, blac is it's own ink in both bodi and heart. As he entered the cavern it would wake, grab him, and devour him screaming in it huge beak. It had a malignant eie, glaring out at the world, a spearhead above the eie that was actually hard and sharp has flint. It's 20, long, fat tentaces had vicius sharp suckers on the undersides and ended in a cobra head shape, a long, strached but fat shape with cruel talons and a grip like steel. Our poor diver never stood a chance, realli.

7, Birch forest

(there were some wood with a big tree.)

A beautiful, well lit forest greeted weari eies of many a traveler. It had a beautiful carpet of yellow leaves from the past autumns, but at the moment it was spring and its many trees had bright, soft green leaves. Fox cubs plaied, darting thru and behind the slender whyte trunk, ignoring the soft, fluffi rabbits runnyng wild. At the  center of it all was a great weeping willow, criing it's beautiful laurels to the ground making a lovely hollow, with roots coming up inside making seats, an ideal place for a picnyc or date or something, and a sweet smell penetrating the air. The aroma was klean, fresh, and  free. Not wild, but calm and peaceful. Free from humans daily stress. Wild mushrooms grew rampant on many trees, and birds flew from perch to perch, happily not restlessly, their songs mingling with those of spring peppers and occasional croaks from frogs at the small pond with pink and whyte lily pads. A swan sat on those waters quite tamli, and tho it was still there there was a calm river flowing to it from a quiet waterfall. It wasnt fit for swimming due to the cold and risk of injuri to the lily pads, however. There were no signs of humans but for a small dirt road passing it, not going thru it, and a tiny dirt parking lot. No cars were there, however, and a lucki thing, for it made it feel like nature at it's finest, completly untouched. Tho the fatness of the rabbits and squirrels and the foxes lack of interest probably had a fair bit to do with human handouts.

The spelling probly has i's in strange places because to make it easier to read i replaced all ys wyth is, cuz i normal spell wyth ys in most cases.

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This article has 4 comments.

on Jun. 20 2021 at 11:36 am
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

Girls: Ellen, meaning: ray of sunlight

on May. 28 2021 at 7:33 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

ill keep adding to it.

on May. 28 2021 at 7:33 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

k, ignore this this is just my list of character names I want to use bc I don't really have any better place to put it.
girls: Sorin, meaning: unknown, probably related to flying. i just like it.
girls: Ahmya, meaning: black rain. seriosly, how perfect is that for a trillion of my characters?
boys: Krystian, meaning: follower of Christ.

on May. 28 2021 at 7:32 pm
SparrowSun ELITE, X, Vermont
200 articles 23 photos 1053 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It Will Be Good." (complicated semi-spiritual emotional story.)<br /> <br /> "Upon his bench the pieces lay<br /> As if an artwork on display<br /> Of gears and hands<br /> And wire-thin bands<br /> That glisten in dim candle play." -Janice T., Clockwork[love that poem, dont know why, im not steampunk]

k, ignore this this is just my list of character names I want to use bc I don't really have any better place to put it.
girls: Sorin, meaning: unknown, probably related to flying. i just like it.
girls: Ahmya, meaning: black rain. seriosly, how perfect is that for a trillion of my characters?
boys: Krystian, meaning: follower of Christ.