Won't say die | Teen Ink

Won't say die

October 2, 2020
By WhEeZe BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
WhEeZe BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


Stuttering? Lucia, your better than this.

“M-my name is l-lucia”

I held on to my guitar, in fear for my life

“I-i’m gonna be y-your entertainment...for tonight!”

Kill me now-

“Luciiiiii” screamed one of my friends.

“Whatcha doing tonight?” said my other friend.

“Did you forget!?” i yelled at them

“Of course. It’s your very first time performing in front of people” lori said.





“Uh...well...I-I...uh...gotta g-go home and practice.” i said.

“Welp, see ya tonight”said the girls.

My house was barren. 

Almost abandoned.

I went to my room immedietly

I had posters of many rock bands, and a pride flag.

My bed was in the splat middle, with a bedside table beside it.

I picked up my guitar, and started tuning to my liking.

When it was tuned, i started playing my favorite song


All my troubles seemed so far away

Now it looks as though they’re here to stay

Oh i believe

In yesterday


Im not half the man i used to be

There’s a shadow hanging over me

Oh yesterday

Came suddenly

Why she had to go i dont know

She wouldnt say

I said something wrong

Now i long for yesterday-”

Just as i was about to sing the next lyric, i had an idea for a song.

“The promise i decided to keep is in this heart…”

Now i need to learn the guitar cords.

I started strumming.

F chord

Then G chord



Then i put it together.




In an hour and a half i finished the song.

I looked at my phone 


I needed to get ready

After i got ready, the time was 7:20

“Dang..i take a long time-” i said to myself.

I didn’t have time.

I grabbed my guitar, shoved it in its case and ran out


So here’s the thing about my guitar case…

Im very open about being apart of LGBTQ+ 

And im pansexual myself, so i have alot of pride stickers. 

When i sat on the bus, mothers and children moved elsewhere, people gave me gazes of disgust. 

Just a normal day in the life of being pan-

When i got to the place, it was ridden with non supporters.

Well except for my friends who were already there

“Ugh, its a gay

“I heard shes gonna perform here”

“Here!? Shes crazy if she thinks she can just stand up here thinking she can show off “

“No duh!? Cuz shes a gay!”

Ive had enough

“Oh hey!” i said in an innocent voice

“If you hate gays so much, then why are you watching  us anyways...are you just ridiculing us because your gay yourself, and dont want to show it”

my “innocent” smile faded into a scary frown

“Now why dont you A-holes get out of here, and stop disrespecting me, my friends, and everyone who is apart of the LGBTQ+ community!”

Then i heard clapping…

It was my friends and other people.

Then i stepped on stage

“The promise I decided to keep is in this heart…

If there’s a life i can save by losing everything

I’ll be happy to give it all

I feel like i’m living for this feeling for the first time

I won’t hide my scars

And let even despair become my weapon

Try my best, swimming through these tears

I’ll give my all to you

Please don’t dissappear

The promise i decided to keep is in this heart…

My life exists and i am fighting right now

Because someone else risk their life

I am not afraid of losing anymore

I don’t wanna give up winning

I won’t run away

I just want to stay who i want to be

It may just sound good on paper, but

I am ok as long as you understand me

Power is not for being up top

Its for being to able to hold on to something important

Even if i lose everything

I won’t forget about you

Try my best, swimming through these tears

I’ll give my all to you

Please don’t dissappear

The promise i decided to keep is in this heart

Even if the light is about to go out,go!

The author's comments:

this is my first story....so-

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