Out of SIght | Teen Ink

Out of SIght

October 4, 2020
By Anonymous

Out of Sight

She was just a small girl in a big city. But, she was far from ordinary. Her name was Brooke and she was legally blind. 

“Brooke, you ready for school?” her mom Adriana yelled. 

Brooke was rushing out the door but she couldn’t find her math textbook. She looked throughout her entire room rustling through boxes and clothes. After ten minutes she found it in her dresser. 

“I totally forgot that I put this here yesterday,” said Brooke.

 “Alexa, what time is it,” she said. 

Alexa then responded, “It is currently 8:10 a.m..” 

Brooke yelled, “Shoot, I am going to be late.” 

She ran downstairs and her mom handed her a bagel as they spirited out the door. 

Adriana said, “Are you sure you got everything you need for school?”

 “Yes mom, I’m sure,” she said annoyed.  

“Ok, just checking,” Adriana responded. 

In her head Brooke was super anxious for school. She went to elementary school and middle school in the valley. But, this year she is transferring to Calabasas High School. She is only a freshman and doesn’t know anyone. But the worst thing about switching schools is that she had to leave behind her best friend Emily. She was approaching school and her heart was beating rapidly. Her mom then said, “Brooke, we are here. Have a great first day of school!” And she went off.

Adriana was a single mom. She was previously married to Brooke’s father, John. However, he left them as soon as Brooke’s little sister Evelyn was born. She raised Brooke and Evelyn by herself for eleven years. They never understood why he left, he just did. But that didn’t stop them. If anything it made their bond stronger. 

Brooke pondered if the people at her school would treat her nicely, poorly, or be judgemental. She walked through the halls with her white cane and everything went silent. She felt judged, insecure, and out of place. She brushed it off and found her first class. She walked into class and everyone kept their eyes on their new classmate. Brooke didn’t know what to do, so she decided to stand up for herself. Brooke then said, “ I get it I am blind. But babe, don’t feel bad for me. I can take care of myself.”  

Everyone was astonished. Some people liked her confidence and others mocked her. Brooke personally felt confident, like she could rule the world. She felt as if she could get through any crisis as long as she believed in herself.

Brooke had finished school. She liked her schedule, all her teachers, and even made new friends. Her mom picked her up and asked about her day. Brooke explained every little detail and how much she enjoyed her first day. As she arrived home she was super excited to call her bestie. 

“Hey babe, I have to tell you about my day today,” said Brooke

“Omg, same. What happened,” responded Emily

“So basically what happened is I walked into school and everyone went silent right-” explained Brooke.

Emily anstonishly said, “Really?”

“Yeah, and then I walked into class and everyone was staring at me. So then I said ‘I get it I am blind. But babe, don’t feel bad for me. I can take care of myself,’” said Brooke.


“Yeah, I know right. Isn’t that crazy. I felt like I ruled the school. “

“That’s so cool. Did you make any new friends?”

“Yeah, surprisingly I did. What about you?”

“I did too! But school isn’t the same without you.”

“I know, I miss you so much. We have to hang out this weekend.”

“Yeah, for sure.”

“Okay, I have to go I have so much homework to do,” said Brooke

“Same. I’ll talk to you later,” responded Emily.

“Okay, bye!”


Brooke had finished all of her homework for the day, although it took hours. “Mom, I think I am going to go on a little walk with the dog,” said Brooke. Her mom responded, “Okay! Don’t take too long and be careful.” “I know mom. You don’t have to tell me,” said Brooke. “I know, I’m just looking out for you,” siad Adriana.

Brooke walked for about a mile with her dog. But this wasn’t like any other walk. This time she was being followed. She was being followed by a middle-aged man and she didn’t even know. He loved her long brown hair and how her green eyes sparkle. She went back home and he followed all the way there. But it's not like nobody noticed him. Her dog Bailey noticed him follow her and she barked at him on the entire way home. Brooke knew something was wrong so she ran inside.

“Mom, Bailey was barking the entire way home. Isn’t that weird?” said Brooke.

“Yeah, that is weird. Just make sure to be careful. Next time I will walk Bailey with you,” said Adriana.

“Okay, thanks mom. I’m just a little scared, that’s all. Can I sleep with you tonight?” said Brooke.

“Yeah, of course!” 

Brooke’s days went on. She went to school, hung out with friends, and spent lots of time with family. Little did she know that she was being followed this entire time. 

It was the middle of the night and Brooke was sleeping in her own bed again. She was startled by a loud noise. It was a type of noise that she never heard before. Especially in the middle of the night. She heard the creaking of her hardwood floors and a faint breath. 

She was now living her worst nightmare. She heard someone enter her room. She could tell that the voice of this person wasn’t a family member. This was a man. Suddenly the man had what felt like a knife to her throat and said, “Come with me right now or I will hurt your family.” 

Brooke knew that she had to listen to him in order for her family to not be in danger. However, she was going to try her hardest to fight back no matter what. She had to find her way out now or else she could never find her way back home. 

She had a game plan. If he tried to hurt her she would find his weak spots and hurt him even more. If he tried to tie her up she would use her pocket knife to get out of it. And lastly she would leave a descriptive note to her mom if she had a chance.

It was a struggle. He was harsh and violent. She couldn’t see yet she had to fight back. She had taken the risk to save her own life. As Brooke was resisting she found the kidnappers weak spots. She also learned that he didn’t know braille. She was able to get out of his arms and run upstairs. She wrote her mom a note in braille before he kicked down her locked door.

He grabbed her and now her only hope was that little note. Little did the kidnapper know that Adriana woke up as he knocked the door down. As soon as she found the note she freaked out. She grabbed a knife and ran outside to see her daughter tied up. She knew it was a trap. 

Adriana had to find the guy before she could release Brooke. She looked everywhere and then suddenly he was right behind her. She tried so hard to fight him off but it wasn’t working. She then remembered about her knife.

Adriana was able to fight him off for a few seconds. She sneaked up behind him and said, “This is for hurting me and my family.” She slit his throat and ran towards her daughter. “We are safe now Brooke,” cried Adriana, “don’t worry about it,” and untied her.

The author's comments:

This piece was wriiten as a school assignment.

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