Date a Girl Who... | Teen Ink

Date a Girl Who...

November 10, 2020
By A-Delva BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
A-Delva BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You should date a girl who plays a sport. It does not matter what sport she plays. But she has to play a real sport. A girl that will spend her day on the field or is willing to wake up early to work out. A girl that can through a elbow if she has to or is ok to get on the line and do sprints. 

Date a girl that has the discipline of playing a sport. If you date a you that plays a sport she will understand that everybody on the team have to work together even if they are mad at eachother. She knows that a relationship works like that too. She knows you both have to try.

Date a girl who plays sports because she’ll ask you to come to her games. And if you do come to her games she will make sure to show off and play her best if you are watching. She will make it her biggest goal to win. But if she does lose she will bow her head and not want to talk about it or even make eye contact with you. 

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