Sara | Teen Ink


November 29, 2020
By Sadieash03 BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
Sadieash03 BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Flash Fiction

Claudia and Griffin White were one of the many young couples who were experiencing going into labor for their first time. On a warm summer evening, they rushed quickly to the hospital filled with excitement after Claudia’s water had broken. The long and painful 15 hours of labor seemed to drag on and on until Claudia and Griffin finally got to meet their beautiful and healthy baby, Sara. 

“Do you feel ready to go home, Claudia?” asked Dr Osborne. “Baby Sara is healthy and ready!”

“Yes, I am ready, thank you for everything you have done for us and taking such good care of me.” Replied Claudia.

“Not a problem, It’s what we do here.” Dr Osborne said. “We should still continue our weekly appointments over the phone to keep an eye on you and your child’s health for now.”

“Absolutely, that sounds great.” Griffin said, thanking Dr Osborne.

“My health?” Claudia asked with a confused expression.

“Yes ma'am. It’s important that your health remains stable as well as your baby’s. Postpartum depression is very common in young, first time mothers. You specifically, are more at risk of issues due to the history of mental illness in your family.” Dr Osborne replied. 

“Sounds like we have a deal” Griffin said, before Claudia could comment. “Thanks for Everything.”

“No problem, please call my office if you have any questions.” Dr Osborne said, “And congratulations to you two!” 

Griffin and Claudia said their goodbyes to Dr Osborne, then decided it was time to start their drive home. 

As they silently drove, Claudia wondered why Dr Osborne was being so cautious about postpartum depression. 

“You need to go to those appointments, Claudia.” Griffin suddenly said out of nowhere. 

“What do you mean?” Claudia replied. 

“You and Sara are the two people I care most about, in order for us to be successful parents we need to be able to take care of ourselves while still putting Sara’s needs before our own.” Griffin said. “I don’t want you to fall into a place where you lose yourself again.” He added, looking at Claudia as if he was waiting for a response.

“I will for you and Sara” Claudia said “But I promise you, I will be fine.”

“Just promise me you will tell me if something is going on, okay?” Griffin asked.

“I promise.” Claudia said with a smile, attempting to reassure Griffin. He smiled back. “Now that we got that conversation out of the way, let's go home and get some much needed sleep.” Said Griffin, as they finished their drive home. 

When they arrived home, they did just that. Claudia and Griffin soon proceeded to bed with baby Sara in the neighboring room. As the peaceful night dragged into the early morning, Claudia abruptly woke to the faint sound of crying from the baby monitor. She turned to see Griffin was fast asleep still. As she groggily stumbled out of bed to go check on Sara, the monitor suddenly went fuzzy. Concerned, Claudia grabbed the monitor. Instantly, all sound stopped. Both the crying and baby monitor. You could hear a pin drop. This silence was soon followed by the piercing screams of baby Sara and the most unrecognizable, inhumane voice. Within an instant Claudia sprinted down the hall to Sara’s room. As Claudia ran to the nursery desperately looking for Sara, the nursery door slammed closed in front of her. 

“Sara! Sara!” Claudia screamed as she desperately tried to open the door. The door didn't budge and the piercing screams and inhumane noises only grew louder. Desperate, She ran to grab anything she could to break down the nursery door and defend herself. She quickly ran through the kitchen and grabbed a knife and Griffin's high school baseball bat. She then hopelessly tried to break the door, but it was no use. Hysterical, Claudia collapsed onto the floor begging for the screaming to stop and to leave her daughter alone. Within a split second, Griffin was standing over Claudia.

“What are you doing?! Why are you holding a knife?! What is going on?!” Griffin said, with a fearful expression.

“Something is in there and it's hurting Sara” Claudia screamed.

“What are you talking about?” Griffin said.

As Claudia heard those words roll off Griffin's tongue, the screams stopped and everything went silent. 

Griffin stared at Claudia with concern, then proceeded to open the nursery door. 

“See Claudia, everythings fine. Sara’s right there asleep.”

“No, she just wasn't, there was something in here. I heard it. It's trying to take her.” Claudia frantically cried.

“Claudia, You're starting to make me nervous. Are you trying to hurt Sara?” Griffin asked in a serious tone.

“No! Why would I ever do that to our daughter? I’m trying to protect her, there is something trying to hurt her in here!” Claudia said. “You really think I would try and hurt our newborn?”

“This is the type of behavior Dr Osborne said to look out for. What am I supposed to think when I see you holding a knife outside our daughters room?” Griffin replied.

“I- I don't know,” Claudia said. Realizing what Griffin thinks he just saw.

“Claudia, please put the knife down.” He said, slowly backing away. Trembling, Claudia dropped the knife. 

“Griffin-” Claudia said with tears in her eyes.

“I'm sorry.” Griffin said, as he quickly constrained her. 

When Claudia woke up, she found herself restrained in a hospital bed. In the corner of the room, was Dr Osborne.

“Why am I here?” Claudia asked.

“You were brought to this facility because you were seen as a danger to yourself and others.” Dr Osborne replied. 

“You don't understand, there is something in my home that wants my daughter, I heard it, I saw it.” Claudia said.

“Sometimes we see things that are not actually there.” Dr Osborne said. 

“Well where is Griffin and Sara? I need to see them.” Claudia asked. 

“They are safe at home. You will be reunited with them once you're seen as no longer a threat or danger to others.” Dr Osborne said, trying to reassure her. 

Suddenly, the office phone began to ring. As Dr Osborne answered the call, the atmosphere in the room completely changed. The expression on Dr Osborne’s face showed the call was serious. It was then that Claudia heard Griffin’s hysterical voice. 

“What's wrong?” Claudia immediately said.

“I'll be right back Claudia, I have to take this.” Dr Osborne said, as she rushed out of the room. 

“Wait! Stop! Tell me what's happening?” Claudia begged, screaming for Dr Osborne to come back. 

When Dr. Osborne returned, she had a grave expression on her face. That said all Claudia needed to know. The news wasn't good. 

“Sorry to keep you waiting so long.” Dr Osborne said.

“Just tell me.” Replied Claudia. 

“Claudia, I'm so incredibly sorry to be the one to tell you this.” Dr Osborne hesitated, “But Sara disappeared last night.”



The author's comments:

 This piece I wrote describes a young couple named Griffin and Claudia, who just had given birth to their first child. As they happily arrive home with baby Sara, they head to bed after a long day. Until Claudia is awoken to a piercing scream coming from the nursery. Is something after baby Sara?

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