Life is Unexpected | Teen Ink

Life is Unexpected

December 17, 2020
By DDavis6603 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
DDavis6603 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life is Unexpected

“I don’t know who said it first, but it’s true…” she said.

“What do you mean it’s true?” another girl said.

   How do I tell this girl that I have fallen in love with her? Should I be like yea I love you so what?  No No, that’s wrong. Maybe if I sit here and let her guess how I feel. But then again she isn’t me and she wouldn’t know what's going on in my head. Ugh this is so complicated! No No No, this is all wrong. Maybe I…mm no that’s wrong too. Oh, hey there!! I’m Davina Alexindri. I bet you're kind of confused about what is happening here, aren’t you? It’s okay let me introduce you to my life and what is happening. This all started back when I was a child and everyone told me that I’ll grow up and get married to a man. Have kids for this man and live a happy life taking care of this man and our kids. But what I didn’t understand was why?  Why would I take care of this man? He will be strong and able to do it himself. So why?  

My mom told me “Davina, you will have to take care of the man you fall in love with or your daddy will pick a man suitable for you.”

I replied, “Mom, I don't want to marry a man I don't even love or want to marry anyone, for that matter.” 

   At this time I was only 13. I had just started my eighth-grade year. I was nervous about the first day of my last year there. I slowly walked over to the line full of either-graders who were in my class the previous year. But there was someone I didn’t recognize. They were quiet and lonesome. They screamed depression all over them. I stared very intensively at them wondering who they are and what is their name. You would have thought I was drilling a hole into their head with how hard I was staring. But of course, I didn’t. 

   They turn around and my jaw drops. They are a she and she is so gorgeous. She started walking over to me. And I quickly closed my mouth and pretended I wasn’t just staring at her for the past five minutes. She stops and says:

“Do you have a problem with me?” waving her hand in my face. 

“No, not at all. Quite the opposite actually.” I said smiling.

“Wait... what?” she said.

“I don't have a problem with you at all. I was just admiring your beauty!” I said with pride. 

   I should have had some shame for saying that to her but I didn’t. She looked at me and smiled. From that day on I caught myself taking glances at her. Her beauty just amazes me every time I look at her. We started to get really close. She came over to my house almost every day, my mom loves her. My dad thinks she’s a great influence on me, but little do they know. I’ve fallen in love with her, I think. As the days past my family grew pretty fond of having her around, so I didn’t think it’d be a problem with me falling in love with her. Yet I never asked if it was okay to love her. The year passed by in a blare. We are about to graduate from middle school. Both of us are 14 and ready to start high school. She decided to attend Academy at Palumbo and I still didn’t know where I wanted to go. 

“Davina…” she said waving her hand in my face. 

“Yes, Demitria,” I said snapping out of my daydream.

“What are you doing daydreaming? You need to pick a high school already,” she said with such beautiful sparkles in her eyes. 

“I still don't know. I don't wanna go to a different school then you. But then again I don't wanna be like a stalker and go to the same school as you and be a bother to you. ” I said hoping she’d disagree. 

“Davina, I would rather you go to the same school as me. Then you go to a different one and find a new best friend. So... Will you please come to Palumbo with me?” she said smiling,

“Sure, I’d love to go to the same as you!” I said smiling from ear to ear.

   That summer passed by very quickly. It felt like we were in the pool for a day or two and then it was already time for our freshman year. That summer she had a very big glow. She went from beautiful to absolutely stunningly breathtaking. But for me, I just stood the same. Tall with short kinky hair and an average body type for a female. Regardless of that, it was the first day of our freshman year. The easiest day of our high school career. Yet it felt scary walking into the school.  

“Hey Demitria, are you ready?” I said nervously.

She grabbed my hand and said, “Davina, we got this!!” 

   We took our first steps into high school and I started to feel like I was where I belonged. That I had nothing to worry about because me and Demitria are together. That day I had seen so many cool new things I didn't know before. Like that there are multiple different groups of people in high school then in middle school. For example, there are popular kids, geeks and dorks, gamers, anime lovers and so many more. But one group stood out the most to me. And it was the LGBTQ+ group. They had no fear showing the world who they are and I wanted to be just like them and tell Demitria how I fell. So I marched over to one of them and asked them how they do it? How did they come out? She told me all the basics of coming out. Like my family may or may not accept me and a bunch of other things. Yet coming out to my family I didn't think it’d be so hard, because I know they’ll accept me. So after school as I walked home alone I made a plan on how I am going to tell my parents about my love for Demitria. Yet all I could come up with is just walking right into the house and telling my parents straight up. And so that’s what I did. My mom was being so dramatic. It was like she was just putting up a show of some sort. She started crying her eyes out and she said: 

“OMG Davina WHY?!?!!? You aren’t supposed to like girls. You're supposed to like boys and have kids with boys. You just need to get that out of your head that you like girls. And you’ll have a normal easy life.” 

My dad looked at me, then at her and then back at me and said:  

“Go to your room, I'll be up there in a minute. I need to talk to your mom for a second.” and then winked at me. 

   I was so confused. I walked to my bedroom at almost a turtle like speed. Holding my phone scared of what might happen. I started to shake a little. My dad knocks on my door and I jump. I’ve never felt so much fear in my life. He opens the door with a straight face. I grab a pillow and squeeze it tight, while rocking back in forth praying I don't cry. He looks at me and says:

“Took you long enough to tell us, your mom was just putting on a show down there for you. She is very supportive of you and so am I!  So when are you gonna tell her? He said hoping we’ll have a father-daughter moment. 

“I don’t know,” I said, still in shock.

Your mom invited her over for dinner tonight, so why not tell her then?”  he said.

Little did I know my mom was downstairs telling Demitira’s mom about me coming out to her and how much I'm in love with her daughter.

The author's comments:

 This story is about a girl named Davina who is exploring her found sexuality. Davina is a young woman who also likes young women. In eighth grade, she meets a girl named Damitria and ultimately falls for her. When they get to high school Davina realizes, it’s very different from middle school. During her first day, she introduces herself to a club known as the LGBTQ+ group; when she first caught sight of them they intrigued her because she saw that they were not afraid to be true to themselves. After spending some time talking with them she finally decides to come out to her parents. 

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