How the World was made | Teen Ink

How the World was made

January 14, 2021
By simpsonk22 BRONZE, Crescent City, California
simpsonk22 BRONZE, Crescent City, California
1 article 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Make every day a little less ordinary

“Uuuuh Gggggggh, I hate waking up early. The only reason someone should be up this early is to pee. You might be asking, “ what is this girl thinking”. Well, I’ll tell you. It is currently 4:26 am and I'm packing a bag for a last-minute road trip to the Great Lakes. Mom says it's “ Healthy” to take family trips every summer, but I disagree. Mom’s more of an outgoing and adventurous person where I'm more of a “suffer in silence” as some people would call it. See now,  my brother on the other hand is just like mom. The total opposite of me.

“ Max get down here already! you were supposed to be packed last night,” Mom yelled.

“One-second mom” I called back. I walked out of my room and down the hall. I pounded on the shut door as I called out to my brother. “ Dylan quit falling asleep on the toilet and get out. I needed to grab my toothbrush. “ Like every other time this happens, there’s no response. “ Mom, Dylan fell asleep on the toilet again,” I yelled down the stairs.

“ I’ll get the pots!” she called back. Every time Dylan does this one of us fills a pot of water to dump on him and the other uses a baking sheet to hit together to wake him up. “ I'm ready.” mom says as she walks into the room

I looked over at mom who nodded at me. That’s my signal. I started repeatedly hitting the baking sheets together ( like the vine) while mom poured the water on him.

“ Aahhhh!! Why am I on the toilet? Why are you guys in here watching me on the toilet?” Dylan asked.

“Be in the car in 10 minutes or you're staying” was all mom said as she walked out.

“ got it, mom, “ My twin and I Said at the same time. 

Time skip to the car

“ hey do you guys ever wonder how everything was created and how it got here?” I asked “ like what if it just someone just appeared one day and was like “I'm going to name this weird grey blob a rock, or this weird creature a dolphin, and they're just like POOF that's how the world was made.”

“ I swear Max it's too early for this, just go to sleep.” Mom sighed from the driver's seat.

Time skip to in the car 6 hours later

“ mom I'm hungry.’ Dylan called from the backseat.

“ Dyl, you're always hungry,” I called back.

“ only a couple more miles till we get to the next store.” mom said.

At The Store

We walked down the aisles looking for snack foods when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I quickly looked around but didn't see anything out of the ordinary. I poked Dylan on the shoulder. “ Hey Dyl? Did you see that?” he shook his head. I heard a little squeak behind me so I turned around. I didn't notice anything weird, but I did see a jar of pickles.

“ Look Dyl, I found some “Dyl pickles”,'' I said, emphasizing the dill part.

He turned around and just looked at me like I was the stupidest person in the world. “ Shut up and give me those I'm hungry,” he said as he snatched them out of my hand. That probably wasn't the best idea considering the jar fell out of his hand and broke on the floor. 

“ Good job Dylan. Now we have to pay for those.”I whispered harshly.

“ I was going anyway. Let's just go find mom and a janitor to clean this up,” he replied. “Let me grab another jar of pickles first,” I said. I reached for another jar and put it in the basket.

After we paid for the pickles and found mom we got back in the car.” you two ready?” mom asked. We both replied with yesses. And with that, we were off to finish the trip.

Now for the other’s perspective

“Tony is the camera rolling?”

“Its rolling boss”

“Hi, My name's Tommy Tomato-Sauce and this is my story about a day in the Supermarket.”


“That would be my friend Phil Pickle. He's an alien enthusiast. He tends to overreact about a lot of things such as these alien specimens. He's got everyone convinced that they're going to kill you, but I like to think of it as a sort of adoption process.”

“Tommy there's one headed this way!!!”

“Phil, it's okay just calm down or they'll hear you.”


“Phill shut it or they’ll take you. Stay still”

Phill decides not to listen and keeps rolling in circles whilst screaming “they're gonna bloody kill me” or “ please Tommy please don't let them bloody kill me”. Tommy didn't know what to do to make him stop screaming. Tommy looked over at Tony silently asking him what to do.

“What’d you be looking at me for?”

“Fix him!”

“I don't know how to fix him, he's your friend.”

“I don't know how to fix him”

“We'll figure it out”

While they're arguing continues, they didn't seem to notice that one of the aliens had made its way towards them. It had made its way to them and had picked up Phil.


Phil was desperately trying to get out of the grasp of the alien creature. Tony saw this and pointed the camera towards the pair. Phil was flailing around enough to make the alien lose its grip on him. Poor Phil didn't realize his mistake soon enough and ended up falling on the floor and breaking into a million pieces.



“Tony cut the camera, Cut the ca-”

Here ends the tragic story of a day in the grocery store.

SIKE!!! It's not over yet. After that tragic event, Tony and Tommy needed some grieving time so naturally, they made their way over to their friend Toby Toilet Paper, or TP as he preferred they made their way to the front of the store. To hop in the ice machines that is. They skillfully weaved their way through the maze of shelves and aliens, this time with TP, and finally made it to the ice machines. Tommy was looking around when his gaze landed on TP. He got an Idea. He shouted out to Tony.

“Tony roll the camera!”

“You got it, boss”

Tommy turned to TP.

“Hey, TP how do you feel about having a little fun?”

“Ehh I don't know boss…”

“Aww Come on TP it'll be fun..”

“... oh all right, I mean how bad could it be?”


“Are you sure this was a good idea guy, I mean I don't know-”

“TP you're fine, we're just going to slide down your through the ice”

“Yeah that's the part I don't like”

“ It's alright just remember it's for Phil.”

“Right, right, for Phil. I get it, just don't kill me.”

“Ah perfect. Nothing to worry about”

“ Are you recording Tony?”

“Yes sir.”

“ Great let's go”

Tommy proceeded to run towards TP and use all of his momenta to slide down the makeshift slide. Tony soon following, both yelling:



TP soon followed after, but not quite as fast. He slowly rolled himself up so he wouldn't have to worry about fixing it later.

“ Hey guys, as much fun as that was, cough* cough* Sarcasm, do you think we could head towards the hot foods section? I'm freezing.”

“ Of course. Now that you mention it, it is quite chilly.”

So that's what they did. Tony still recording, Tommy cracking jokes, and TP muttering to himself about why he's friends with crazy people.”

“The end “

And with that, the little girl's father closed the book and put it on the stand next to the bed. “ Good night Lucy,” he said as he placed a gentle kiss against her forehead before leaving. 

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