the one thing I will never forget. | Teen Ink

the one thing I will never forget.

January 19, 2021
By Anonymous

You know some people just dont get along. Like my 6 year old sister and I, this story about two kids who knew each other since pre-k. There names were Tim and Jimmy. I know this sounds weird but the kids were freinds, but wouldnt be nice to each other. They would walk to shcool together and go to the park together. Everyone who knew these to kids would wonder why they did these things together though they hated each other. some people would say that they had some sort of plague, but it wasnt that it was because they vowed to be as mean as possible to each other two years ago because of one incident. The two kids met in pre-k and had been freinds for five years know but when they were heading to shcool there were snails everywhere so Tim picked up the snail with the plastic fork that he had found by the road. He then tried to make Jimmy eat it! It was pure messed up. Then there science teacher passed by because they had lived really close. She asked what the boys were doing. After finding out Tim ended up geting a 4 day detention. later through out the day Jimmy called Tim a jerk for trying to make him eat the slug. The day after they both had 3 days of detention. This is what had cuased these vows. Coming to present day they still are mad at each other. A few days later the mothers had became concerned. The boys have been like this for 2 whole years and had to do something. They ended up talking to them and asked them what they could do to stop them from being like the way they are. The boys glanced at each other and said, "you could take us to the amusment park for the day". Which they did do and it finnaly brought the boys back together. See if there is a problem like this just talk it out.

The author's comments:

This peice is a fiction peice of writing which is about to boys who had a problem and how they solved it.The reason why I wrote this is because I always have problems like this with my little sister and my big brother.

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