Without control | Teen Ink

Without control

September 27, 2021
By PolarBear27 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
PolarBear27 BRONZE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it." Albert Einstein.

No control. Like an airplane that climbed too high and stalled. Spiralling to the ground against its will. Soon to be a wreckage heap piled onto the surface of Earth. Just another tragedy that couldn’t be helped. Like the grades descending into the ground, helpless. As the missing assignments list grows, like the Earth, getting bigger and bigger until I crash into it. Overly ambitious, I tried to defy gravity, do what no student or pilot has done before. But as I reach the atmosphere, I realize that it is not possible. I let go of the controls as the engine stalls, helpless to do anything. The backup parachute is taking too long to deploy. I have little faith it will work. As I plummet to the Earth, not unlike my academic performance, it dawns on me that I brought this upon myself. I lifted the nose too high. I pushed the plane past it’s limits. Panic did not exist. It never existed to me. I was not in fear or engulfed in stress like I should have been. I did not go down in time. I did not release the chute in time. Ground control tells me to pull up, to engage landing gear, but it is of no use. Miraculously, I land in the water. Still to be determined whether blessing or curse. My aircraft pierces the water in a magnificent splash. Nose down, it slices through the water with no resistance. Water starts to enter the cockpit. Up to my ankles, I unbuckle. The cockpit lid is stuck, forced against the plane due to the science of water pressure. I lose communication with Ground control. Fitting, I guess, as I am below the surface of the Earth. The water is up to my knees as I take out my emergency glass breaker. With as much force as I can muster, I slam the glass breaker into the cockpit lid. The glass shatters into a million pieces, propelled towards me as they break off. I feel no pain. I am beyond pain. Immediately, I lose the ability to breathe. I am completely submerged. I slowly rise to the surface, holding my breath, watching my once beautiful craft shrink as I rise. The surface is still far above me as darkness starts to appear around my eyes, replacing my peripheral vision. I am close enough to touch the water as the darkness takes hold. I am unconscious as I bob to the surface of the water, like the discarded water bottle floating on the surface beside me. I am lost. I have lost control.

The author's comments:

I wish I could say this it completly fiction. It is not.

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