Symbolic Recipe | Teen Ink

Symbolic Recipe

April 23, 2022
By bugjuicepoetry ELITE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
bugjuicepoetry ELITE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
223 articles 28 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was born very far from where I'm supposed to be. So, I guess I'm on my way home."


1 ¼ cup flaws and beauty and scars and hope 
¼ cup pieces of everyone I have ever loved 
2 teaspoons of ink; words and poetry rotting in my stomach
⅓ cup, melted, imagination and dreams
2 (10 ounces) packages of confusion and memories 
1 tablespoon of all of the things I did not become 
3 (8 ounces) packages, softened heart and opened mind
1 (14 ounces)can of gender dysphoria 
¼ cup of crooked grins and solar flares 
½ teaspoon the kids my parents warned me about 
3 dead stars, looking back up at the sky
1 tablespoon messy hair and an equally messy french accent 

1. Combine the flaws, beauty, scars, and hope with the pieces of everyone I have ever loved in a girl-shaped mold. 

2. With a question of why the mold is girl-shaped instead of boy-shaped, shrug and mix in the 14-ounce can of gender dysphoria. Let chill. 

3. In a separate bowl, combine the ink, words, and rotten poetry, with the imagination and dreams, 1 of the packages of confusion and memories, and the 3 dead stars looking back up at the sky. Let sit. 

4. Take out the chilled mold and add all of the things I did not become, the 3 packages of softened heart and opened mind, and the ½ teaspoon of the kids my parents warned me about. 

5. Fold in the bowl that was set out to let sit with the ingredients in the mold. 
Cook for 14 years. 

6. Finally, sprinkle with the crooked grins and solar flares and messy hair and an equally messy french accent. 

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