Fever Dream | Teen Ink

Fever Dream

September 27, 2023
By vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
vinson_sherman GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt of a bright futuristic city of Tokyo, Japan

Lights of billboards glistened a light periwinkle blue

There was the sound of high mineral water running by

That's when I saw it, the tall first president George Washington

He rode by on a horse changing the environment behind him into the salty dead sea

With a flash of light the famous Ryan Gosling appeared

In his hand he held out a black spikey sea urchin for me to take

With the rushing flavor of a warm bacon and egg breakfast sandwich rushing over me

I took off at super sonic running speed reaching over 9 quintillion miles per hour

A sudden halt landed me in mexico 

I was greeted with hola me llamo la biblioteca from a familiar face

After the realization it was Danika I exclaimed Holy Schnikes

The sky above forms the darkest of clouds that brought a torrential downpour

Scared for my safety I fled to a nearby hotel 

The worker exclaimed I paint the town red and ran off with guns and roses

The civil engineer on a nearby roof chased after her yelling cap 

In his saucony running shoes he ran sensationally fast

The day ended in a face of with a hydra that was keeping me from my goal

With the echoes of the fight screamed keep it up sunny

And there I stood triumphant after a disastrous nightmare

The author's comments:

There was really no based theme for this story, as the title suggest, but it was more of brainstorming wacky things and then stringing them together to make a story.  

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