Rainbow Trout | Teen Ink

Rainbow Trout

September 27, 2023
By TheRockerWriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
TheRockerWriter GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Last night I dreamt Ariana Grande was fishing

in the Turquoise-Green water of Lake Michigan,
in her boat named The “Virgin Bloody Mary”.

Last nights dream she was sipping on one of Florida's
classic drinks called the “Rum Runner”, then all of a sudden I fish

catches her line, she struggles but finally catches the 

Rainbow trout and names it Madie.

Last nights dream she throws the rainbow trout back

and shouts out “Look out!” so the other fish don’t get

hit by the fish she’s throwing back. She starts Eating

Her eggs with toast, bacon and hash browns and picks

Up her R.L Stien book named “The Werewolf in the Living Room”

Last nights Dream, I dashed to take a piece of bacon off her plate,

She smacks my hand and says give and take. So I give her 199,760 word

essay about Leonardo Da Vinci to read, and she says “Rock on!”.

Last nights dream I studied the geometrical form of the clouds in
the sky to see if there will be a thunderstorm while we are on the boat fishing,

It begins to rain and we head towards shore, and Ariana Grande asks

”Dónde está la biblioteca”

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