A Dream | Teen Ink

A Dream

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Last night I dreamt that I was sitting in the Penn State Lasch Building cold tub. The water was Murky Swap Brown for some reason. I was drinking Sprecher Root Beer out of a glass bottle. Maybe that was why the water had turned that color… I might’ve spilled a bit. Infant Abraham Lincoln was chilling in there too. The water was as cold as Lake Erie's Northernmost river. Jason Kelce, brother of Travis, was in the tub with us too. One of those fish with the light bulb coming off of its head was swimming around in the icy water. I was munchin’ on some hashbrowns from Mcdonalds when Jason started to squirm. He hates the cold water. 20 more minutes left, I said. 1, 234, 567, 891, 011, 121, 314, 151, 617, 181, 920. No me gusta, this water said Jason. Abe was crying at this point but then Maddie showed and he calmed down. Maddie got into the tub too. “Wow!” I exclaimed. This tub felt as cold as a windy blizzard. Then Jason started to sing my favorite country song. “S. A. H. R. A. C” he sang. Just then Harryette Mullen showed up. She started to recite some nonsense. Abe started to rizz Harryette and me and Jason started talking football. I told him that I want to play in the NFL and be the left tackle for the Green Bay Packers. Then I hopped out of the tub and threw on my Arizona Birkenstocks size 45 brown. That was a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious cold tub session. Then my grandma appeared and screamed, “Debbieeeeeeeee.” And then I woke up in a cold sweat. What a dream!

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