My dream adventure | Teen Ink

My dream adventure

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

I am at work practicing my pitch to match the voice I was acting for when all of a sudden a fire breathing dragon flies into my studio. Wearing my fluffy crocs and screaming “HEADS” I charge at him looking deep into his darker than dark navy blue eyes with the song “I kissed a girl and I liked it” by katey perry playing in the background and I count to the number 9,731 each number making him take damage. He sprays his fire as he parashies and then I decide to go out for a walk. I grab myself a cold can of sprite and dove into the deep atlantic ocean in a place thousands of miles away. While swimming I met a gray great white shark and we started swimming together. Her name is Faith and we then left the ocean only to find out it was a stormy dark cold rainy day and we left to have a meal with my favorite singer boywithuke. We talked about the 100 digits of pi. Rosa parks ended up joining us and called us all a baka. We all are sitting and eating hot steamy fluffy chocolate chip pancakes. We are sitting in a closed off room and we started screaming at the top of our lungs saying “SLAY QUEEN”.

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