Days well spent | Teen Ink

Days well spent

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

As a 16 year old girl I have gotten this question a lot: what can't you live without? Recently my sister or as I call my best friend moved off to college. Since day one I knew she would always be my best friend. She is passionate, kind, forgiving, thoughtful, and a burst of light. Megan and I would do so much together. We both enjoyed our daily Starbucks runs, the trips to the mall, making the daily Tic Toks, and of course going tubing. As I'm looking back at the memories we have made since we were babies to all grown up, it  is crazy. Megan being two years older than me has taught me a lot. She has taught me to be mindful, forgiving, grateful, and patient. When I hear someone say her name I automatically feel joy and happiness. The reason I say that is because I would never be able to live without going through my memories on my phone, any picture or video I see we are laughing and smiling. So when I am asked What I can't live without, it's my memories. 

The author's comments:

This piece was for my creative writing class

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