The Curse of the Silver Record | Teen Ink

The Curse of the Silver Record

July 25, 2024
By CosmicBytes SILVER, Rutherfordton, North Carolina
CosmicBytes SILVER, Rutherfordton, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." – Steve Jobs

Robert Sweet was not an impulsive person, especially when he had a blindfold on to chase emeralds. When he was in charge of the task to investigate the sudden death of Emily Thompson; a homemaker in London, he did everything professionally. There was an urban legend with a cursed silver record and it was stated that anyone who listens to it will have only 24 days to live. Despite being skeptical, Robert was surprised when he discovered that Emily used to have a record like that.

Firmly disappointed by the superstition, Robert was able to find the record. As soon as he held it, a bizarre series of images flooded his mind: a flying horse dangling on a clumsy woman, a headline from a polo player’s mishap, a worm wearing a hat yelling about legs, and a noble house with a well for booze.

Ignoring the frightening visions for the creation of his mind, one day Robert gets a shock when he brushes his arm and finds it covered with bear fur-like rough skin. Thinking that this might be a real curse he decided to ask his mother, Carla Raymond, a smart lawyer who never hesitates to take on impossible cases.

Carla at first would not listen to it but finally condescended to look at the record. The moment she agreed, she saw the horrifying images in her mind, thereby affirming this as a curse. Without any delay, she said that they would both solve the mystery together.

Their first lead was the hooded maggot, who is an effect character from the visions that Robert had. To find the ring’s owner, they searched through archives of an old English city and asked the people there, and finally followed him to an old theater in the outskirts of London. The central figure in this story is a man called “Maggot” who is a recluse endowed with a good education and a vast experience with the supernatural.

Maggot revealed the story of a polo accident involving a wealthy family who once owned the cursed record, symbolized by the image of a ripped horse. The spotty homemaker is a clue pointing at a family member, while the grand estate is the family’s residence, which is in ruins now.

This is led by the hint given by Maggot where the couple went to the estate and discovered the well, which was the final key of the mystery. Through a hole Carla saw the inscription on the rim: it was a story of betrayal, rejection, and a woman’s vengeful curse.

This curse was fierce, yet Robert and Carla resorted to a ritual described in the inscription that would take place in the last days of their lives. They lit the midnight record at night, saying the spell. This ran true down to the end of the silver, accompanied by a reduction of the rough skin and the awful sights.

Robert and Carla were exhausted yet they felt relieved knowing that they had just slipped through the narrows of what could have been a tragic situation. The curse was lifted and Emily got the revenge that she probably wanted for a long time and their friendship just became closer. They went back to their humble existence as simple villagers but they are different people now that they have come face to face with the otherworldly.

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