Beneath the Silvery Moon | Teen Ink

Beneath the Silvery Moon

March 5, 2011
By Swifty GOLD, Fort Mill, South Carolina
Swifty GOLD, Fort Mill, South Carolina
13 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
&#039;Unless you try to do something beyond what you have mastered, you will never grow.&#039;<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> -C.R.Lawton

The mountains have a light dusting of snow…Like powder sugar on a fresh cooked waffle.
The thick dark clouds hung low over the horizon
You could see a small glimmer of a shiny object about halfway up the crevice
What kind of shinny object? A piece of scrap metal or a lost coin in the heather…What mysteries lay hidden in those mountains…just waiting to be discovered…
There it was again…You could just make out the faint shape of a man through the falling sleet
Was it a signal for help? Or a wayward climber out for a Sunday hike…or was is someone waiting for the signal…
My curiosity had the best of me. I had to find out. I sped up the truck outrunning the northbound freight train headed for California…
I turned quickly onto the small dirt road that wound through the pecan and walnut trees. There it was again…
I skidded the truck to a stop as the road came to an end. I swung out of the truck and called out but heard no reply. Scrambling up the crooked path I could hear a rustling sound…
Once more I called out only to hear a faint cry...aaaaaaaahhhh…someone must be hurt…
My heart pounded through my chest and my breath was short as I rounded the sharp corner near the large boulder…
No no this can’t be happening…I just wanted to have an adventure…what what if someone really is hurt…
The snow was much heavier now but there caught in the sagebrush thicket was a small mountain goat…I sighed with immense relief...a shiny bell around its neck…glistened with the occasional ray of sunshine peering through the dark clouds. Baaaaaaahhhh he said as I freed his feet. Off we both went…into the next adventure…
But one thing was still unsolved in my mind…who was that mysterious man I glimpsed through the rain……only the shadows know…

The author's comments:
I was at home texting my dad, who was driving in California, and we came up this little story.


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