Up Again | Teen Ink

Up Again

May 5, 2011
By TheBlackRose BRONZE, Madrid, Other
TheBlackRose BRONZE, Madrid, Other
3 articles 2 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
I knew who I was this morning, but I´ve changed a few times since then

Peace came. Peace must come when there´s nothing left to destroy. Nothing but dust and ruins; the silence was deafening. But life came from nothingness at the beginning, and it did again.
In a small village in Spain near the last capital to fall, Madrid, a little girl moved. Her eyes opened to ultimate death. The picture was not nice.
She went up to what once was her bedroom. Nothing. But she didn´t scream. She didn´t cry; she just turned away and started walking, looking for a way to bring everything up again. And she´ll find it eventually.

The author's comments:
I just wanted to say that the moral of this short story is that the future lies in the hands of the little ones.


This article has 1 comment.

on May. 15 2011 at 2:46 pm

Really amazing. This must be publicated in the paper magazine. I'll wait for it.

Love and peace.
