A Brief Account of the Wounded Fox | Teen Ink

A Brief Account of the Wounded Fox

May 29, 2012
By Winters_Willow SILVER, Beijing, Other
Winters_Willow SILVER, Beijing, Other
7 articles 0 photos 51 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Treat others the way you wish to be treated.&quot; ~Ghandi<br /> &quot;You are the worst pirate I&#039;ve ever heard of.&quot; &quot;Ah, but you&#039;ve heard of me.&quot; ~Pirates of the Caribbean<br /> &quot;A man who has never done anything wrong, has never tried anything new.&quot; ~Albert Einstein

They were on my trail, swift and gaining speed. The dog came first, then the hunter on his horse. As the group got closer, the hound began to bark like mad, and the horse started to whinny nervously. Before I knew it, the hunter had aimed his gun and was pulling the trigger. The bullet flew in through my back and came out my belly. It hurt considerably, but I continued to run and did not look back until the sounds of the determined hunter perched on his horse, and the crazed hound4 had faded away…...

The author's comments:
This was an English assignment of mine, it's based on the poem "January"


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