Lost in thoughts- removed passage | Teen Ink

Lost in thoughts- removed passage

July 5, 2012
By Kalman BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
Kalman BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Mirages and hallucinations are only two of the ways the desert likes to toy with its prey. The day time is deceitful, but at night the desert misleads you. Cooling down, the desert appears to show a gentle side at first glance. This deceives you into letting your guard down. You take the bait and lay your head, slowly losing your body in a deep slumber. While you sleep the creatures are sent out, minions of the sand. Slithering in the shadows, the serpent looks for warmth. It will stay next to you till morning only to kill you the moment you awake. I hate night times for this very reason. Tonight is no different than the others. I spend the dark hours wide awake, waiting for morning. Laying here I can never sleep; not only do I fear getting killed by a snake or a scorpion, but I do not want to fall in my nightmares. Sleep should be a time when you can escape pain for a little while. I might be able to escape this desert but I will never be able to escape my brain.

The author's comments:
Just a removed passage from my novel, this is the passage without editing, so it is a first edition. I may or may not reinsert it in the novel, I do think it has potential though so who knows. Enjoy


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